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Annamalai University
ne/Two Sitting ,


Annamalai University    B.A  B.B.A Computer Application

Annamalai University

Eligibility : H S C
Students who may have completed one year of study in other Universities are admitted to the second year B.A. / B.Com. / B.Sc. / B.B.A and
students who may have completed two years of study in other Universities are admitted in the Final Year B.A./B.Com./ B.Sc./B.B.A. It is not necess­ary to pass F.Y. or S.Y. to join for One/Two sitting course.
Duration :
3 years

First Year :
1. Business Tamil (or) Ele­ments of Insurance
2. English Prose & Usage
3. Managerial Economics
4. Concepts of Information Technology & Operating System
5. Management Process & Organization Theory
 Second Year :
6. English Composition's Bus­iness Correspondence
7. Business Psychology & Be­havioural Sciences
8. Financial & Cost Accounting
9. Banking Law & Practice
lO.Marketing Management
1 1 .Quantitative Method
Final Year
12. Management Accounting
13. Business Finance
14. Human Resource Manage­ment
15. Production and Materials Management
16. Money,Banking, International Trade, International Institute
Contd ....in the next Column
B.B.A (Computer Applications)
Annamalai University
Eligibility : HSC
Students who may have completed one year of study in other Universities are admitted to the second year B.A. / B.Com. / B.Sc. / B.B.A and
students who may have completed two years of study in other Universities are admitted in the Final Year B.A./B.Com./ B.Sc./B.B.A. It is not necess­ary to pass F.Y. or S.Y. to join for One/Two sitting course.
Duration :
3 years
First Year: 
 1  Business Correspondence (or) Elements of Insurance 
 2  English Prose and Usage
 3  Management Process and Organization - Theory
 4  Managerial Economics
 5  Computer Concepts and Office Automation Tools – Theory and Practical  
 Second Year: 
 6  Business Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
 7  Marketing Management
 8  Management Accounting
 9  Web-Designing and its Applications – Theory and Practical
 10 Client/Server Concepts – Theory and Practical  
Third Year: 
12 Business Finance
13 Human Resource Management
14 Production and Materials Management
15 MIS and E-Commerce - Theory and Practical
16 Visual Basic - Theory and Practice
St.Paul's College  of Distance  education

Letter to prospective students

Centres of Exam 

Requirements for Reg.in University

Advisory Council.

Open Universities abroad

Students from abroad Qs.& Ans

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Ans. To Commonly Asked Qs.

Rules & Regulations of St. Paul's 

St.Paul's Institute  and St pauls
institute of Management Studies

Respected. By Industry /Employer

To our Friends Abroad s.&Ans.

Services Rendered by SPI

Qs.FrequentlyAsked about SPI&Ans.

Rules& Regulations ofS.P.I

Employment Advice Bureau

Message from the Director