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Master Of Commerce                                   M.Com 

One sitting,and Lateral Entry Programs
 for Discontinued Students             
*M.Com    *M.Com. Co-operative Management  *M.Com. Banking and Insurance Management   * M.Com. Computer Applications         
                 * M.Com. Accounting and Finance      * M.Com.EducationManagement                        * M.Com  Enterpreneurship
                 *M.Com. Banking    *M.Com  Finance  *M.Com

Mumbai/Madras /Karnataka State Open /Annamalai/Manonmaniam Sundaranar (M.S.)/Madurai Kamarai /  Shivaji/Alagappa university
M.Com One Sitting
   who  may  have discontinued their studies (pass or fail) after first year M.Com. in a university are eligible     to     apply     for
admission to final year / one sitting course in Annamalai and Karnataka State Open University .However students admitted under one sitting
scheme will have to appear for all the papers of first year and final year

Annamalai University
 one sitting for discontinued
 Annamalai University

 M.Com. Lateral Entry Scheme

Annamalai University
 M.Com Co-operative Management
 M.Com Banking and Insurance
 M.Com Computer application
 M.Com. Enterpreneurship
 M.Com. Accounting and Finance
 M.Com. Education Management
 M.Com  Marketing

Mumbai University
Shivaji University

 Madras University


Madurai Kamaraj University
 M.Com Co-operative Management
 M.Com Banking
 M.Com Computer application
 M.Com Marketing

 Tamil Nadu open University

Mumbai University 
Mumbai University
Those who have passed the Bachelor's Degree Examination of this University in any faculty or equivalent degree from other University
Duration- 2 years
First Year

1.Strategic Management
2.Economics of Global Trade and Finance
5.Human Resources Manage­ment
4.Marketing Strategies & Plans
 Final Year
1. Research Methodology (Compulsory)
2.Organisational Behavior
3 International Marketing
4.Entrepreneurship Manag
Mumbai University
Those who have passed the Bachelor's Degree Examination of this University in any faculty or equivalent degree from other University
Duration- 2 years
First Year

1.Strategic Management
2.Economics of Global Trade and Finance
3.Advanced Financial Accounting
4.Advance Cost Accounting
 Final Year
1. Research Methodology (Compulsory)
2.Advanced Financial Management
3.Auditing and Taxation
4.1 Advanced Management Accountin

                       M.Com  Annamalai University
         M.Com  M.Com Co-operative Management   M.Com Banking and Insurance   M.Com Computer application
M.Com. (Enterpreneurship)   M.Com. Accounting and Finance    M.Com. Education Management
M.Com  Marketing
                                            M.Com One Sitting for Discontinued students

Annamalai University
-B.Com./B.B.A./ B.A.(C.S.)/B.A.Co.op./B.B.M./
M.B.A/ B.Sc. Maths with two Commerce subjects including Accountancy
: 2 Years
First Year
1. Business Administration
2. Corporation Finance
3. Marketing
4. Management Accounting
Final Year
Group A
5. Company Law
6. Income Tax Law & Practice
7. Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting
8. Financial Management


Group B
9. Advance Banking
10. Monetary Theory
11. International Trade and Foreign Exchange
12. Public Enterprises
M.Com  Marketing
Annamalai University

Duration: Two Years
Eligibility: B.Com./ B.A. (Co-operation) / B.Com. (Co-operation) / B.A. (Corporate Secretaryship)/ B.B.A./ B.B.M./ B.Com. (Computer Application)/ B.Com. (Accounting & Finance)/ B.Com. (Marketing Management) / M.B.A. or an equivalent Examination.
First Year
1 Management Concept
2 Consumer Behaviour
3 Modern Marketing
4 Management Accounting
5 Retail Management
Second Year
1 Advertising Management
2 Sales and Distribution Management
3 Global Marketing
4 Marketing Research
5 Services Marketing

Co-operative Management
Annamalai University
First Year

1. Principles and Practice of Co-operation
2.Rural Economics and Rural Development
3.Co-operative Banking & Non-Credit Institutions
4.Accounting for Decision Making
5.Cooperation Abroad

Final Year
6.Co-operative     Management
7.Functional Management in Co-operatives
8.Co-operative Law
9.Human Resource Develop­ment in Cooperatives
10.Project on Institutional Training

M.Com Banking and Insurance Management     Annamalai University      First Year
    1.Management Concept
    2.Banking Insurance & Management Accounting
    3.Management & Practice of Life Insurance

    4 Modern Banking-Theory Law and Practice   
    5.Foreign Exchange
    Final Year

    6. Marketing of Financial Services
7. Bank Management
    8. Project Finance
    9. Management & Practice of General Insurance
 10.  Business Law

  (Computer application)   
Annamalai University

Duration: Two year
Eligibility: B.Com. / Management/ B.B.A. /B.A. Corporate Secretary ship / B.A. Co-operation / Bachelor of Bank Management /B.Com. C.A. / B.M.M./ B.C.A. or as an equivalent examination. 
First Year 
 1  Management Concept
 2  Financial Management
3   E-Commerce
4   Management Accounting
5   Computer Practical - I
Second Yea
06  Marketing of Financial Services
07  Project Finance 
08  Internet and Its Applications
09  Advanced Corporate Accounting
10  Computer Practical – II
M.Com. (Enterpreneurship)
Annamalai University
Duration: Two year
Eligibility: B.Com. / B.A. Co-operation / B.Co-operation / B.A. Corporate Secretaryship /
B.B.A. / B.B.M. / B.Com. Computer Application / M.B.A. or as an equivalent examination.
First Year
1 Functional Management
2 Business Environment
3 Marketing Management
4 Accounting for Decision Making
5 Essentials of Enterpreneurship
Second Year
1 Institutional Support for Enterprenurship
2 Project Management
3 Legislation for Enterprenurs
4 Export Marketing
5 Management of Resources
 M.Com. Accounting and Finance
 Annamalai University
 Duration: Two year
 Eligibility:: B.Com. / B.B.A. /B.A. Corporate Secretary ship / B.A. Co-operation / Bachelor of Bank Management / M.B.A. Degree Examinations 
 First Year 
 1  Investment & Portfolio Management
 2  Managerial Finance
 3  Costing Methods
 4   Financial Accounting 
 5   Management of Financial Services
Second Year 
6  Accounting Theory & Standards 
7   Project Management  
8  Accounting for Business Decisions  
9  Advanced Corporate Accounting
10   Cost Control Techniques
 M.Com. Education Management
Annamalai University
Duration: Two year
Eligibility: Any Degree or an equivalent examination. 
First Year 
1   Education Management
2   Managerial Finance in Educational Institutions
3   Communication Skills & Office Management 
4   Management Accounting
5   Banking for Educational Institutions Administrators
Second Year 
 6  Human Resource Management
7   Education Service Marketing 
8   Psychology for Educational Institution Administrators
9   Research in Education Management 
10   Project Report on Education Management

     Golden Opportunity
MCom One Sitting for Discontinued Students
  Lateral Entry Programme
Annamalai University
M.Com ,M.Com (Co-Operative Management),  M.Com. (Banking and Insurance Management)      

                         M.Com. Lateral Entry Scheme
                                M.Com. Lateral Entry Scheme   M.Com. Co-operative Management Lateral Entry  
                                                           M.Com. Banking and Insurance Management

M.Com. Lateral Entry Scheme
Annamalai University
Duration: One year
B.Com. / B.B.A. /B.A. Corporate Secretary ship / B.A. Co-operation / Bachelor of Bank Management / M.B.A./B.Sc. Maths with two Commerce subjects including Accountancy
The candidates seeking admission to the II year should have successfully completed the 1st year of the study from any recognized university in the same discipline with at least 75% of syllabi common to this University. The candidate should enclose along with the application an attested Xerox copy of the syllabus, marks list and Transfer Certificate which he has studied.

Second Year
Two optionals are offered during the second year. English Medium Candidates at the time of admission can choose either courses under
Group - A or Group - B.
Tamil Medium Candidates can choose only Group - B. Optionals once chosen cannot be changed under
any circumstances
Group - A
1 Company Law
2 Project Finance
3 Income Tax Law and Practice
4 Advanced Corporate Accounting
5 Advanced Cost Accounting
Group - B
1 Marketing of Financial Services
2 Advanced Banking
3 Bank Management
4 Public Enterprises
Lateral Entry Scheme -
M.Com. Co-operative Management Lateral Entry Scheme
Annamalai University
One year
Any Degree or an equivalent examination.
The candidates seeking admission to the II year should have successfully completed the 1st year of the study from any recognized university
in the same discipline with at least 75% of syllabi common to this University. The candidate should enclose along with the application an
attested Xerox copy of the  syllabus, marks list and Transfer Certificate which he has studied.
1 Co-operative Management
2 Functional Management in Co-operatives
3 Co-operative Law
4 Human Resource Development in Co-operatives
5 Project report on Institutional Training

Lateral Entry Scheme  
M.Com. (Banking and Insurance Management) Lateral Entry Scheme
Annamalai University
One year
Any Degree or an equivalent
The candidates seeking admission to the II year should have successfully completed the 1st year of the study from any recognized university
in the same discipline with at least 75% of syllabi common to this University. The candidate should enclose along with the application an
 attested Xerox copy of the syllabus, marks list and Transfer Certificate which he has studied.
1 Marketing of Financial Services
2 Project Finance 
3 Management of General Insurance
4 Bank Management
5 Business Law

 M.Com Karnataka State Open University                                                                                      
Karnataka State Open University
(Formerly Mysore University)
: BCom

Duration :
2 Years

ONE/TWO  SITTING For Discontinued Students
First Year

1 .Principles of Management
2.Business Policy and Envir­onment
3.Marketing   Management
4.Financial Management
5.Accounting Theory
Contd.......in the next Column
Final Year
1 .Personnel Mangement

2.Current Trends in commerce and business
3.Banking Theory & Finance
4.Indian Banking
5.International Banking and Finance

                M.Com Manonmaniam Sundaranar (M.S.) University
Manonmaniam Sundaranar (M.S.) University

: B.Com
  ONE/TWO SITTING   Students who may have discontinued their studies (pass or fail) after first year
M.Com. in a university are eligible to apply for admission to
  final year / one  sitting     course.
First Year
 1.Business Management
 2 Business Environment
 3.Advanced Financial Accounting
 4.Accounting for Financial
 5 Decision Making
Second Year
 5.Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
 6.Advanced Corporate Acco­unting
 7.Research Methodology
 8.Cost System & Cost Control
M.Com M.Com with Computer Applications
Manonmaniam Sundaranar (M.S.) University
(for those joined

Business Ethics & Social Responsibility

Business Management
Advanced corporate Accounting

Business Environment
Research Methodology

Advanced Financial Accounting

Cost system and Cost control

Accounting for Financial Decision  making
e-commerce (Application)

Computer Application in Business

Computerized Accounting


M.Com Madurai Kamaraj University
M.Com  M.Com Co-operative Management   M.Com Banking
M.Com Computer application
M.Com  Marketing

M .Com. (General)
Madurai Kamaraj University
Eligibility B.Com./B.B.M./B.B.A./M.B.A. of this University or any other recognized University. B.A. (Corporate Secretaryship / Co-operation / Business Economics / Industrial Organization) of this University or any other recognized University. Diploma in Rural Science of Gandhigram Rural University. Those qualified for the M.Com. Degree and desire to improve the class already obtained. Such students should undergo the course for two academic years. B.Sc. (Mathematics) with Accountancy, Costing and Banking as allied/ancillary subject and any degree with Accounting / Costing as allied ancillary subject. Those who have passed C.A (or)A.I.C.W.A.( or )A.C.S. (or)C.A.I.I.B.
Duration - 2 Years
First Year
1 Business Environment and Policy

2.Financial Accounting
3.Banking and Insurance

4.Computer Application in Business

Final Year -Group A
5.Advanced Accountancy

6.Financial Management
7 Advanced Cost Accounting
8 Investment Management
Final Year
Group B
1 Marketing Management
2 International Marketing
3 Marketing Research
4 Advertising & Salesmanship

Note: All first year papers are common to both Group A & Gr

M.Com Marketing
Madurai Kamaraj University
1 Marketing Management
2 International Trade & Practices
3 Advanced Financial Accounting
4 Management AccountingII
Final Year

1 Marketing Research
2 Creative Advertising & Salesmanship
3 Retail Marketing Management
4 Products & Services Marketing


M .Com. (Finance)
Madurai Kamaraj University
First Year
I 1Marketing Management
2 International Trade & Practices
3 Advanced Financial Accounting
4 Management Accounting
Final Year
1Business Taxation & Tax Planning
 2 Portfolio Management
3 Financial Management
4 Human Resource Management

M .Com. (Computer Applications)
Madurai Kamaraj University
First Year
1 Marketing Management
2 International Trade & Practices
3 Advanced Financial Accounting
4 Management Accounting II
Final Year
1 E-Commerce
2 Programming in C++ 3 RDBMS
4 Computer Application Practical
- Ms Office And Tally TcL –Theory cum Lab Course

M.Com Banking

Madurai Kamaraj University
Eligibility : B.Com
Duration - 2 Years

First Year
1 Business Environment and Policy
2 Computer Application in Banks

3.Financial Accounting
4.Banking  Institutions

Final yea
5 Banking Operations and Procedure
6 Bank Management
7 Bank Lending Policy and Techniques
8 Foreign Exchange Management 
M.Com Co Operative Management 

Madurai Kamaraj University Eligibility : B.Com
Duration - 2 Years
First Year
1 Principles and Practice of Co Operation
2 Co Operative Banking
.Financial Accounting
4 Computer Application in Business
Final Year
5 Co Operative Management
6 Co Operative Law and Practice
7 Co Operative Accounts and auditing
8 Management of Non Credit Co Operation


M.Com Shivaji University
Shivaji University

Eligibility : A pass in B.Com.
Duration- two years
First Year

1 .Applied Economics and
2.Theory and Practice of Management
3.Industrial structure and Policy in India
4.Labour Problems and Legislation in India I 

3.Production Management
4.Marketing Management
Final Year
5.Management Accounting
6.Business Finance
7.Industrial Structure and Policy II
8.Labour Problems and Legislation in India II
.Personnel Management8.IndustrialRelations

                                                       M.Com  Madras University
Madras university
Eligibility:-B.Com. – Commerce, Bank Management,Co-operation, Corporate Secretaryship, B.A. Industrial Organisation, Co-operation, B.B.A.,
B.B.M., B.C.S. and B.Sc. Mathematics [or] B.A. Economics [or] B.Sc. Computer Science [or] B.C.A.with any two Core – Main papers offered in the B.Com. Degree Course are eligible for admission.
Duration- Two Years
First Year
01 Advanced Corporate Accounting and Accounting Standards
02 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Promotion
03 Advanced Marketing
04 Advanced Management Theory
05 Quantitative Techniques for Business Decisions

Final Year
06 Advanced Cost and Management Accounting
07 Financial Management 3 100 50
08 Human Resource Management 3 100 50
09 Marketing Research and Consumer Behaviour
10 Financial Services and Stock Exchange

                                                    M.Com Alagappa University                                                                          
Alagappa University
: B.Com Degree from a recognized University
Duration :
2 Years
First Year

1.Management Concept Practice
2.Advanced Accounting
3.Business Environment
4.Management Accounting
Final Year
5.Marketing Management
6.Computers & Data Proce­ssing
7.Financial Management
8. Advanced Cost Accountancy
M.Com. (Finance and Control)
Alagappa University
Duration: Two Years
Eligibility: Any degree (10+2+3 System)
1 Management Concepts
2 Financial Accounting and Analysis
3 Cost and Management Accounting
4 Quantitative Techniques
5 Business Law
Final Year
1 Financial Management
2 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
3 Financial Services and Institutions
4 Global Financial Management
5 Taxation and Tax Planning

                                                              M.Com Tamil Nadu open University
Tamil Nadu open University
Duration 2 years
Eligibility Graduate in Commerce/ Business Administration/Corporate Secretary ship/ACA/ AICWA/ and ACS/other Graduates
who have studied atleast 02 papers in Commerce in their degree programme

First Year
01 Business Administration
02 Management and Cost Accounting
03 Advanced Financial Accounting
04 Marketing Management
05 Advanced Business Statistics
Final Year

06 Financial Management
07 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
08 International Marketing
09 Human Resource Management
10 International Banking and Foreign exchange

                                                       M.Com Periar University

Periar University
Eligibility:- B.Com/BBA/BBM/BA (Co-/ BA Corp Sec/B.Com (CA)
Duration:- 2 Years
1 Accounting for Business Decision Making
2 Global Marketing
3 Advanced Business Statistics
4 Indian Financial System
5 Financial Management
Final Year
1 Advanced Corporate Accounting
2 Human Resource Management
3 Income – Tax Law and Practice
4 Advanced Cost Accounting
5 Computer Application in Business
St.Paul's College  of Distance  education

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