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Master Of Business Administration        MBA
 M.B.A. One Year Executive
MBA 2 Years

M.B.A. (5 years Integrated)
i)1st year will get Certificate
in Business Administration
(ii) 1st and 2nd years will get
Diploma in Business Administration
(iii) 1st, 2nd and 3rd years will get
Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (BBA)
(iv) 1st, 2nd , 3rd and 4th years will get
PG Diploma in Business Administration
(v) 1st to 5th years will get
Master Degree in Business Administration(MBA)

One Sitting/ Lateral entry program in M.M.M, M.H.R.M, M.F.M
Madras University  Madurai Kamaraj University  Annamalai University Tamil Nadu Open University  I.G.N.O.U.
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University 
Periar University
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
M.B.A. One Year Executive
M.B.A Marketing
 M.B.A Mangement of Small  &Family
M.B.A Business Fmily Business Management
M.B.A Human Resource Management
 M.B.A General Management
  Manonmaniam Sundaranar
 M.B.A Production
 M.B.A Finance
 M.B.A Personnel/Human resource Management
 M.B.A E System
Alagappa University
  M.B.A. (5 years Integrated)

  M.B.A Marketing
  M.B.A Finance
  M.B.A Personnel
  M.B.A Systems

  Tamil Nadu Open University
  M.B.A Finance
  M.B.A Marketing
  M.B.A Human Resource
  M.B.A Operations
  M.B.A Insurance Management
  M.B.A Information Technology Management



Annamalai University
M.B.A E-Business
 M.B.A International Business
 M.B.A Human Resource Management
 M.B.A Marketing Management
 M.B.A Financial Management
 M.B.A Hotel Management and Tourism
 M.B.A Hospital Management

 Madurai Kamaraj University
M.B.A Marketing Area
 M.B.A Finance Area
 M.B.A Systems Area
 M.B.A Production Area
 M.B.A Personnel Area
 M.B.A Retail Management

Periar University
MBA Airline and Airport Management


 Madras University
  M.B.A. General
  M.B.A. Apparel Management
  M.B.A.Educational Management 
 M.B.A. Export Import Management
  M.B.A.Financial Management
  M.B.A.Hospital Management
  M.B.A.Human Resource Management
 M.B.A. -Information Security Management
 M.B.A.International Business Management
  M.B.A. -Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  M.B.A. -Marketing Management
  M.B.A. -Operations Management
  M.B.A. -Shipping and Port Management
  M.B.A. -Systems Management
  M.B.A. - Travel and Tourism Management
  M.B.A.  Integrated
  MBA Executive 1 year theory and 1 year project


2 Years and M.B.A. One Year Executive 
                Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

First Year

1 Management Process and Behaviour
2 Marketing Management
3 Managerial Economics
4 Accounting for Managers
5 Business Environment
6 Business Law/Business Legislation
7 Managerial Communication/Executive Communication
8 Computer Applications in Management
9 Research Methodology/Research Methods for Management
10 Quantitative Methods
Second year and professional MBA
Human Resource Management
Marketing Management
Functional Management I
Marketing Management
Functional Management II
Management Information System
Financial Management/ Strategic Management
Operations Management
Decision Support System
International Business Management
Entrepreneurship and Management of Small Business (EMSB)
Organisational Behaviour
Production and Operation Management

MBA Second Year Optional
Group A Marketing
Marketing Research
Advertising and Sales Promotion
International Marketing
Services Marketing
Group B Production
Materials Management
Supply Chain Management
Project Management
Operations Research
Entreprenurship and Management of Small Business
Group C Finance
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Financial Services
Working Capital Management
Corporate Taxation
Group D Personnel/Human resource
Management Training and Development
Organizational Development
Industrial and Labour Relations
Counselling skills for managers
Group E System
System analysis and Design
Business process Re-Engineering
Decision Support system/ Management Decision Support System

M.B.A. One Year Executive
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Business Environment
Functional Management
Accounting for Manager
Research Methodology for Management Decisions
Financial Management
Management of Financial Services
Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management International
Financial Management
Consumer Behaviour
 Advertising and Sales Management
Product Management
International Marketing
OptionalMangement of Small &Family Business Fmily Business Management
New Venture Creation and Development
Small Business Policy and Procedure
Management for Small Business
OptionalHuman Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Wage & Salary Administrations
Labour Laws
Social Processes & Behavioural Issues
Optional:General Management
Strategic Management
Corporate Communication
International Business
Environment Legal Aspects of Business


 MBA Annamalai University
    M.B.A   M.B.A E-Business     M.B.A International Business  M.B.A Human Resource Management     
Marketing Management  M.B.A Financial Management   M.B.A Hotel Management and Tourism
  M.B.A Hospital Management

 M.B.A   Master of Business Administration
 Annamalai University

i) Any Graduate (except 10+2+2 pattern). ii)
Applicants who have qualified themselves in P.G.
 Diploma in Management
 Programme of any recognized University /
Institution and those who have worked in Managerial /
Executive / Supervisory cadre, in a Manufacturing/
Marketing / Banking / Service organizations are
eligible and will be given preference.  Duration : Two Years
 First Year 
   Principles of Management
 2  Financial and Management Accounting 
 3   Managerial Economics 
 4   Legal Environment of Business
 5   Organizational Behavior 
 6   Written Analysis and Communication
 7   Business Policy and Strategic Management 
 8   Research Methodology 
  Final Year  
   9  Human Resource Management 
 10   Marketing Management 
 11  Financial Management 
 12  Production and Materials Management
 13  International Business 
 14  Project Management and Entrepreneurship
 15  Human Resource Management
 16  Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations 
 17  Training and Development (Or) 
       Marketing Management 
 18  Sales and Distribution Management 
 19  Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior (Or)
       Financial Management
 20  Investment, Security and Portfolio Management
 21  Management of Funds (Or)
       Production Management 
 22  Production ,Planning, Control and Maintenance
 23  Quality Management (Or)     Systems
 24  Personal Productivity Tools
 25  Information Technology (Or)
 15 & 16 Project Study & Viva - Voce

M.B.AMaster of Business Administration (E-Business)
Annamalai University
Eligibility : i) Any Graduate (except 10+2+2 pattern). ii) Applicants who have qualified themselves in P.G. Diploma in Management
 Programme of any recognized University / Institution and those who have worked in Managerial / Executive / Supervisory cadre, in a Manufacturing/ Marketing / Banking / Service organizations are eligible and will be given preference. 
 Duration : Two Year
 First Year 
   1  Management Concepts 
   2  Marketing Management 
   3   Human Resource Management
   4   Financial and Management Accounting 
   5   E - Commerce
   6   Database Management System
   7   Management Information System
   8   Software Project Management
  Final Year
    9  Financial Management 
  10  Strategic Management 
  11  Financial Management 
  12  E - Commerce: Application and Securities 
  13  Internet and Java Programming
  14 Advanced Web Development and Design Tools 
  15  Enterprise Resource Planning
  16  Project Work and viva - voce (150+50 marks) (Or)
  17 Global Marketing (100 Marks)
  18 Structured System Analysis and Design (100 Marks)


Master of Business Administration (International Business)
Annamalai University
Eligibility for Admission : i) Any Graduate (except 10+2+2 pattern). ii) Applicants who have qualified themselves in P.G. Diploma in Management Programme of any recognized University / Institution and those who have worked in Managerial / Executive / Supervisory
cadre, in a Manufacturing/ Marketing / Banking / Service organizations are eligible and will be given preference. 
Duration : Two Year

First Year 
  1 Principles of Management
  2 International Accounting
  3 International Economics
  4 International Business Environment
  5 Organizational Behavior
  6 Foreign Policy of India
  7 Communication for Global Managers
  8  Information Technology and E-Commerce
Final Year

  9   International Human Resource Management 
  10 International Marketing Management
  11 International Financial Management
  12 Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  13 Global Strategic Management 
  14 International Trade Policies and Documentation
  15  Project Work and viva-voce (150+50 marks)
    (or) i) International Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior (100 marks)
ii) Export and Import Finance (100 marks)

(Human Resource Management)
Annamalai University
Eligibility for Admission : i) Any Graduate (except 10+2+2 pattern). ii) Applicants who have qualified themselves in P.G. Diploma in Management
Programme of any recognized University / Institution and those who have worked in Managerial / Executive / Supervisory cadre, in a Manufacturing/
Marketing / Banking / Service organizations are eligible and will be given preference. 

: Two YearFirst Year 
 1  Principles of Management
 2 Human Resource Management
 3 Production and Materials Management 
 4  Marketing Management
 5 Financial Management
 6  Business Mathematics & Statistics
 7  Organizational Behavior 
 8   Managerial Communication
 Final Year
 9 Organizational Development and Management of Change
10  Training and Development
11  Labour Welfare
12  Industrial Relations
13 Wages and Salary Administration
14 Strategic Management 
15    Project Work and viva-voce (150+50 marks)
    (or) i) E - Business
           ii) Business Research Methods

Master of Business Administration (Marketing Management)
Annamalai University/font>
Eligibility i) Any Graduate (except 10+2+2 pattern). ii) Applicants who have qualified themselves in P.G. Diploma in Management
Programme of any recognized University / Institution and those who have worked in Managerial / Executive / Supervisory cadre, in a Manufacturing/
Marketing / Banking / Service organizations are eligible and will be given preference.
Duration : Two Years
First Year 
1   Principles of Management
2   Marketing Management 
3   Human Resource Management
4   Financial and Management Accounting 
5   Production and Materials Management
6   Business Mathematics and Statistics
7   Advertising Management 
8   Managerial Communication 
Fnal Year
9   Product and Services Marketing
10  Marketing Research 
11  Consumer Behavior 
12  Global Marketing 
13   Sales and Distribution Management
14  Strategic Management
15   Project Work and viva - voce (150+50 marks) (Or)
   E -Business 
16   Business Research Method
Master of Business Administration (Financial Management)

Annamalai University
Eligibility : i) Any Graduate (except 10+2+2 pattern). ii) Applicants who have qualified themselves in P.G. Diploma in Management Programmers of any recognized University / Institution and those who have worked in Managerial / Executive / Supervisory cadre, in a Manufacturing/ Marketing / Banking / Service organizations are eligible and will be given preference.
Duration : Two Years
First Year 
1  Principles of Management
  2 Financial Management
3   Human Resource Management
4   Marketing Management 
5   Financial and Management Accounting
6   Business Mathematics and Statistics
7   Production and Materials Management
8   Managerial Communication 

Final  Year
9  Management of Financial Services
10 International Finance 
11 Financial Analysis and Industrial Financing 
12 Management of Funds and Assets
13 Investment, Security and Portfolio Management 
14 Strategic Management 
15 Project Work and Viva-Voce (150+50 marks) (Or)E - Business
16 Business Research Methods

M.B.A. Hotel Management and Tourism
Annamalai University

Eligibility: i. Any Degree. ii.Applicants who have qualified themselves in P.G. Diploma in Management of any University / or any recognised Institute are eligible
and will be given preference. Those who have worked in Managerial / Executive / Supervisory cadre,in a Manufacturing / Marketing / Banking / Service Organisations.
I Year
Principles of Management
Human Resource Management
Business Research Methods
Hotel and Tourism Marketing
Organizational Behaviour
Travel & Tourism Operations
Hotel Management - Principles & Practices
Tourism Management Information System
II Year
Financial and Management Accounting
Managerial Communication
Strategic Management
Customer Relationship Management
Ecology and Environment Management for Tourism
Hotel & Tourism Law

Project Study and Viva-voce


M.B.A. in Hospital Management
Annamalai University
Duration: 2 Years
Eligibility: : Any recognised Degree.
Part I - First Year
Health Communication
Introduction to Health
Resource Management (Materials)
Resource Management (Human)
Part II - Second Year
Law & Hospitals
Quality Assurance.
Information Management
Practical / Project Work /Log Book / Viva-voce


Annamalai University
Compulsory Personal Contact Programme 
The Directorate will organize the compulsory personal contact programme of four days duration at different centers for the benefit of students. Student has to attend a minimum of two Personal contact programme (four days continuously for each Programme) in each academic year. Attendance certificate will be issued to the students at the end of each programme. If students take with them the recommended text books and the printed lessons received from the Directorate, they will find the personal contact programme immensely useful. Advance intimation of the dates of the contact programme will be given to the students so that they can make arrangements for
their boarding and lodging.
Centre Code  Centre Name 
01 Annamalainagar ,2 Coimbatore,3 Chennai ,4 Kolkata 5 New Delhi  6 Hyderabad 7 Bangalore 8 Cochin  
    If there is no sufficient number of students for a progamme at a particular zone the personal contact programme will not be conducted there and the students should attend the PCP at the zone fixed by the Directorate.

    Those, who fail to produce two spells of Personal Contact Programme Attendance Certificates will not be permitted to sit for the examination. If he/she takes the examination without attending the Compulsory Personal Contact Programme, the result of the
examination shall be cancelled.

    In genuine cases, change of PCP centre will be permitted by the Directorate on payment of Rs. 300/- towards the change of centre fee. However, their choice cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Students, whose PCP attendance certificate is lost, can get a duplicate certificate on requisition along with a demand draft for Rs. 100/.     Students who fail to satisfy the minimum requirement of attendance will be permitted to attend the programme in the subsequent
years on requisition with subsequent PCP fee of Rs. 250/- per programme.    THE DIRECTORATE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FIX, SHIFT OR CANCEL THE PCP CENTRE
NOTE -FOR  However students will get study material from the concerned
 universities once  they are admitted

                           M.B.A Madras University
A. M.B.A. GENERAL 1. M.B.A. -Apparel Management 2. M.B.A. -Educational Management
3. M.B.A. -Export Import Management 4. M.B.A. -Financial Management
5. M.B.A. -Hospital Management 6. M.B.A. -Human Resource Management
7. M.B.A. -Information Security Management 8. M.B.A. -International Business Management
9. M.B.A. -Logistics and Supply Chain Management 10. M.B.A. -Marketing Management
11. M.B.A. -Operations Management 12. M.B.A. -Shipping and Port Management
13. M.B.A. -Systems Management 14. M.B.A. - Travel and Tourism Management
M.B.A. Integrated  MBA Executive 1 year theory and 1 year project

Madras University
Eligibility : Graduates of any faculty + 2 years experience in a supervisory / executive level after graduation. The Selection of candidates will be on the basis of an entrance test. (If Required) Duration : 3 years
First Year
1 Management Principles
2 Quantitative Methods in Business
3 Organisational Behaviour
4 Management Accounting
5 Managerial Economics
6 Legal Systems in Business
7 Research Methodology and Communication
8 Applied Operations Research
9 Human Resources Management
10 Marketing Management
Second Year
11 Production and Materials Management
12 Financial Management
13 Computer Languages for Management
14 Business Policy and Strategic Management
15 Management Information Systems and
Electronic Data Processing (EDP)
16 International Marketing
17 - 20 Elective Subjects
21 Project Work
17 Marketing Research and Consumer Behaviour
18 Advertising Management and Sales Promotion
19 Sales Management and Distribution Management
20 Services Marketing
17 Corporate Finance
18 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
19 Tax Management
20 Merchant Banking and Financial Services
17 Data Base Management Systems
18 System Analysis and Design
19 Decision Support System
20 E-Business Technology and Management
17 Industrial and Labour Relations
18 Human Resources Development (HRD)
19 Total Quality Management
20 Training and Development
Four papers in any one of the following
Elective Subjects :
b) FINANCE (or)
c) SYSTEMS (or)
1. The candidates should attend the personal contact programme compulsorily.
2. The candidates have to submit the assignment within the stipulated time.
3. 50 percent attendance in the personal contact programme is essential to register for the University Examination, otherwise the examination taken by the candidates will be cancelled
Madras University

(M.B.A. General - Two Years - Semester with Credits)
I - Semester
1 Management Principles
2 Quantitative and Research Methods in Business
3 Organisational Behaviour
4 Management Accounting
5 Managerial Economics
II - Semester
6 Legal Systems in Business
7 Business Communication
8 Business Ethics
9 Applied Operations Research
1 0 Business Policy and Strategic Management

III - Semester
11 Human Resources Management
12 Marketing Management
13 Operations Management
14 Financial Management
15 Management Information Systems
(Above 15 Papers are common to
all branches)
IV - Semester (Electives)
Five papers in any one of the following
Elective Subjects
(details furnished below)
Viva Voce 50 s
Any two Optional Papers from
Group-A (or) Group-B (or)
Group -C (or) Group–D (or)
Group - E (or) Group-F (or)
Group - G
(Details furnished in the 18th Page)

IV th Semester
Electives :
(I) Apparel Management
1 6 Textile and Fabric Science
17 Fashion Merchandising 3
18 Apparel Manufacturing Technology 3
19 Apparel Production Management
2 0 Consumer Behaviour in Fashion
(II) Education Management
1 6 Educational Policy, Planning and Administration
1 7 Economics of Education
18 Educational Institution Management
1 9 Institutional Linkage for Educational Management
20 Educational Technology
(III) Export Import Management
16 International Trade and Commerce
1 7 Foreign Trade and Policy
18 International Logistics Management
1 9 Cross Cultural Business Management
20 Foreign Exchange Management
(IV) Financial Management
16 Corporate Finance
1 7 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
18 Tax Management 3
1 9 Merchant Banking and Financial Services
20 Strategic Cost Management
(V) Hospital Management
1 6 Health Policy and Health Care System
1 7 Hospital Planning and Designing
1 8 Hospital Records Management
1 9 Hospital Core Services
2 0 Hospital Support Services
(VI) Human Resource Management
1 6 Industrial and Labour Relations
1 7 Human Resources Development
1 8 Total Quality Management
1 9 Training and Development
20 Performance Management
(VII) Information Security Management
16 Information Security Management Practice
1 7 Information Risk Management
1 8 Secure E + Business
19 Resillence Management BCDRMS 3 1
20 Information Systems. Audit, Assurance and Standard
(VIII) International Business Management
16 Export Management and Documentation
1 7 International Business Environment
1 8 Management Strategies of MNCs
19 Import Management
20 International Marketing
IX) Logistics and Supply Chain Management
1 6 Logistics and Managing the Supply Chain
17 International Transport Systems
1 8 Inventory and Warehousing Management
1 9 Liner Trade and Multimodal Transport
20 Advanced Operations Research
(X) Marketing Management
1 6 Marketing Research and Consumer Behaviour
1 7 Advertising Management and Sales Promotion
1 8 Sales Management and Distribution Management
1 9 Services Marketing
2 0 Retail Marketing

(XI) Operations Management
16 Supply Chain Management
1 7 World Class Manufacturing
1 8 Business Process Management and Outsourcing
19 Project Management
20 Maintenance Management
(XII) Shipping and Port Management
1 6 Port and Terminal Management
17 Shipping Management
18 Port Pricing and Finance
1 9 Port Marketing and Services
2 0 Maritime Business
(XIII) System Management
1 6 Data Base Management Systems
1 7 System Analysis and Design
1 8 Decision Support System
1 9 E-Business Technology and Management
2 0 Knowledge Management System
(XIV) Travel and Tourism Management
1 6 Front Office Management
1 7 Principles of Tourism
1 8 Hospitality Management
1 9 Customer Relations and Services Management
2 0 Tourism Planning and Marketing
All the subjects are evaluated for 100 marks and Project Work is for 200 marks.
(Students may select any Two Subjects from any one of the
following Seven Groups (A to G) in lieu of
1. Industrial Marketing
2. Customer Relations Management and Relationship Marketing
3. Managing Web Application Security
4. Information Technology Governance
1. Organisational Development
2. Compensation Management
3. Derivatives 4. Risk Management and Insurance
1. WTO Constitution and Operation
2. Global Investment, Instruments and Institutions
3. Global Tourism
4. Emerging Issues in Tourism
1. Educational Infrastructure
2. Instructional Design and
Curriculum Development
3. Counselling
4. Health Laws and Policies
1. Integrated Materials Management
2. Value Analysis and Engineering
3. Fashion Retail Management
4. Apparel Quality Management
1. Logistics and Operations Management
2. Legal Aspects of Shipping
3. Software Project Management
4. Computer Networks
1. International Transportation Law
2. Transport Economics
3. International Business law
4. Global Marketing Management
Each student shall be required to prepare, on the basis of investigations carried out by
him/her in a business or industrial organization, project report on possible solutions for a
typical problem of current interest in the area of Management. The report should demonstrate
the capability of the student for some creative potential and original approach to solve the
practical problems in to-day’s business or industry. The report should include field studies,
surveys, interpretation, planning and design

                  M.B.A. Madurai Kamaraj University

Madurai Kamaraj University

Madurai Kamaraj University
Eligibility :Graduates of any faculty. After the Entrance Test Student will be admitted to MBA. Duration : 3 Years
Eligibility :Graduates of any faculty. .
Duration : 2 Years
First Year
1. Principles of Management
2. Organizational Behavior
3. Management Accounting
4. Managerial Economics
5. Quantitative Methods
6. Research Methodology
7. Fundamentals of Computers
8 Management of Information and data Processing
9 Marketing Management
10 Business Environment and Law
Second Year
11.Financial Management
12.Operations Management
13. Personnel Management &Industrial Relations
14.Operations Research
15 Strategic Management
16 Relational Data Base Management System
17 Entrepreneurship and Management of Small Business
18,19, 20 Electives 1,2,3 Any one
Marketing Area
18 Marketing Research
19 Product Management
20 Advertising and sales Promotion
Finance Area
18 Management of Financial Institutions
19 International Trade Finance and Documentation
20 Investment and Portfolio Management
Systems Area
18 Introduction to C++
19 Computer Net Works
20Modelling and Simulation
Production Area
18 Value engineering and waste control
19 Materials Management
20 Total Quality Management
Personnel Area
18 Training and development
19 Organisation development
20 Human resource Accounting
Retail Management
18 Introduction to Retailing
19 Store Operation Management
20 Retail Buying and Merchandising
21 Project

                    M.B.A Tamil Nadu Open University

Tamil Nadu Open University
Eligibility  Graduates of any faculty
Duration 2 years
First Year
1Management Functions & Behaviour
2 Managerial Economics
3 Financial and Management Accounting
4 Quantitative Techniques
5 Management Information Systems
6 Marketing Management
7 Financial Management
8 Human Resource Management
9 Operations Research
10 Research Methods
Second year
1 Operations Management
2 Entrepreneurship
3 Business Law
4 Strategic Management
5 International Business Management
4 courses from any one of the Specialisations
1 Finance
1 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
2  Management of Financial Services
3  Tax Management
4  International Financial Management

II - Marketing
1 Marketing Research and Consumer Behaviour
2 Advertising and Sales Promotion
3 Services Marketing
4 International Marketing
111 Human Resource
1 Human Resource Development
2 Labour Legislations
3 Organisational Development
4 Strategic Human Resource Management
 1V Operations
1 Project Management
2 Total Quality Management
3 Supply Chain Management
4 Materials Management
 V Insurance Management
1 Principles and Practices of Life Insurance
2 Principles and Practices of General Insurance
3 Insurance Business Environment
4 Insurance and Risk Management
VI Information Technology Management
1 Managing Information Technology
2 Information Systems Development
3 Relational Database Management System
4 E-commerce

                                  M.B.A I.G.N.O.U

Master of Business Administration


Eligibility: Bachelors Degree +3 years Supervisory Experience or Professional degree or Professional Qualification or Masters Degree
Duration : 3 years
First Year
1.Management Functions and Behavior
2.Managing men
3.Economics and Social Environment
4.Accounting and Finance for Managers
Details will be added later

            MBA  MBA Airline and Airport Management
                                Periar University

MBA  MBA Airline and Airport Management
Periar University
Any Degree
Duration:- 2 Years
First Year
1 Priniciples of Management
2 Managerial Economics
3 Managerial Communication
4 Legal Environment of Business
5 Organisational Behaviour
6 Business Policy and Strategic Management
7 Financial and Management Accounting
8 Research Methodology
Final Year
1 Production Management
2 Financial Management
3 Human Resource Management
4 Marketing Management
5 International Business
6 Entrepreneurship
7 Project Report (or)
8 Two Papers on any one of the Electives
Group – I : Production
09 Production Planning Control and Maintenance
10 Quality Management
Group – II: Finance
09 Financial Services
10Investment Management

Group – III : Human Resources
09 Training and development
10 Labour Welfare
Group – IV : Marketing
9 Sales and Distribution Management
10 Marketing of Services
Group – V : Systems
9Management Information System
10 Data Base Management System
Group – VI : Elective – Apparel Merchandise * (Any Two Subjects)
09 Apperal Costing and Trade Documentation *
10Fabric Production *
Apparel Production *
Apparel Merchandising *


MBA Airline and Airport Management

Periar University
Any Degree
Duration:- 2 Years

First Year
1 Priniciples of Management & Communication
2 Organizational Behavior
3 Accounting for Decision Making
4 Research Methodology
5 Export Management
6 Practical – I*
7 Practical – II*


              M.B.A. (5 years Integrated)Alagappa University
              Each Year one Certificate (3 Certificates  1 UG and 1 PG Degree)

M.B.A. (5 years Integrated)
Alagappa University
Duration: Five Years
BBA – 3 years (Non – Semester)
MBA – 2 years (Semester)
Eligibility: Pass in Higher Secondary / Pre-University / Junior College / Diploma or equivalent from
a recognized instiution
First Year
Certificate in Business Administration
(Non – Semester)
1 Business Communication
2 Principles of Economics
3 Principles of Management
4 Business Environment
5 Financial Accounting
Second First Year
Diploma in Business Administration
(Non – Semester)
1 Banking Theory, Law and Practice
2 Company Law
3 Business Statistics
4 Business Law
6 Cost Accounting
Third First Year
Bachelor of Business Administration
(Non – Semester)
1 Production and Materials Management
2 Elements of Marketing
3 Management Accounting
4 Financial Management
5 Principles of Personnel Management
Fourth Year
PG Diploma in Business Administration
(I Semester)
1 Management Concepts
2 Organizational Behaviour
3 Managerial Economics
4 Quantitative Methods
5 Entrepreneurship
(II Semester)
1 Corporate Accounting
2 Legal Environment
3 Research Methods
4 International Business
5 Management Information System
Final Year
Master of Business Administration (I Semester)
1 Management Control System
2 Project Management
3 Quality Management
4 Technology Management
5 Strategic Management
(II Semester)
Specialization : Marketing
A. 1. Product Management
A. 2. Promotional Management
A. 3. Marketing of Services
A. 4. International Marketing

Specialization : Finance
B. 1. Management of Funds and Assets
B. 2. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
B 3. Financial Service Institutions
B 4. International Finance
Specialization : Personnel
C. 1. Labour Legislations
C 2. Human Resource Development
C 3. Industrial Relations
C 4. Global Human Resource Management
Specialization : Systems
D. 1. Office Automation
D 2. Internet Programming and Web Design
D 3. Multimedia Applications
D 4. Visual Programming
Project Work
Degree Awarding:
A candidate upon completion of all courses in the
(i) 1st year will get Certificate in Business Administration
(ii) 1st and 2nd years will get
Diploma in Business Administration
(iii) 1st, 2nd and 3rd years will get
Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (BBA)
(iv) 1st, 2nd , 3rd and 4th years will get
PG Diploma in Business Administration
(v) 1st to 5th years will get
Master Degree in Business Administration(MBA)

Personal Contact Programme:
The Personal Contact Programme shall be conducted for the duration of 36 hours spread over 6 days in first Three years and 48 hours spread
over 8 days in fourth and fifth year of study.

Classification of Candidates:

A candidate who obtains not less than 50% of total marks in each paper shall be declared to have passed in that paper.
A candidate who secures 50% or more but less than 60% of aggregate marks shall be placed in Second Class.
A candidate who secures 60% and more of aggregate marks shall be placed in First Class.

Failed Candidates:
A candidate who fails in any course / courses may appear again in that course / those courses as per the University rules.

Completion of the Programme:
The candidates have to complete their programme within 5 years from the year of completion of duration of programme, failing which their
registration will stand automatically cancelled and they have to register afresh, if they want to continue the porgramme

Other Regulations:

Besides the above, the common regulations of the University shall also be applicable to this programme
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