Welcome to the World Distance Education                                                                Proud to Serve since 1978 

Distance Education Centre in association with
St.Paul's College of  Distance Education
and  St. Paul's Institute and St. Paul's Institute of Management Studies

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                      ❉UG Lateral Entry/One Sitting/Final                      ❉PG MA/MComMSc/MBA  Lateral//One Sitting  

  Contact us  For Free Prospectus &Free Councelling and Guidence   Call +91 9619444099 / 8281287703    (022) 25011695, (022)  25010403

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Eligibility :
: 3 years
First Year :
1. Hindi Or Malayalam or Tamil
2. English Prose & Language study
3. Mathematics I
4. Introduction to Computer and Basic
5. Mathematics II
6. Foxpro & Office Automation
7. Practical Lab 1 (DOS, Win dowse. Basic)
8. Lab 2 (Foxpro, WS. 123)
Second Year :
9. Accountancy I
10.Digital Principles
12.Internet & Web Design
13.Accountacy II
14.Computer Architecture & MP
16.Software Engineering
17.Lab 3 (C & HTML)
18.Lab 4 (COBOL)
Final Year :

1. System Programming
2. Visual Basis
3. Network
5. Graphics & Multimedia
6. Organizational Behavior
8. DOPES & Java
9. Lab 5 (Visual Basic)
10.Project using RDBMS


St.Paul's College  of Distance  education

Letter to prospective students

Centres of Exam 

Requirements for Reg.in University

Advisory Council.

Open Universities abroad

Students from abroad Qs.& Ans

Services Rendered By St.Paul's

Our Guidance Scheme

Ans. To Commonly Asked Qs.

Rules & Regulations of St. Paul's 

St.Paul's Institute  and St pauls
institute of Management Studies

Respected. By Industry /Employer

To our Friends Abroad s.&Ans.

Services Rendered by SPI

Qs.FrequentlyAsked about SPI&Ans.

Rules& Regulations ofS.P.I

Employment Advice Bureau

Message from the Director