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B.Com I.G.N.O.U
                                           Previous qualification is Not required for joining Above courses under Open University System
Open University
18 years on First January of the academic year .Previous qualification Not required .Need to complete BPP Programme
Select any 2 of the following
1 Preparatory course in  Social Sciences
2 Preparatory course in  commerce
3 Preparatory course in  Mathematics
Students without a formal qualification of 10+2 or its equivalent can also seek admission
Non 10+2 candidates who have completed Bachelors Preparatory Programme (BPP) of the University are also eligible for admission.
A person with 10 + 2 qualification is eligible for admission without BPP. There is no minimum or maximum age limit for admission to this programme.
Duration Minimum 3 years
Medium of Instruction;-English and Hindi
B.Com. Programme has three major components:
Salient Features
Student can study at his own pace and convenience over a period of 3 to 8 years.
Besides elective course in commerce there is flexibility to choose courses from a wide range of other disciplines.
A student of another University can seek admission to this programme on the basis of credits obtained by him/her from that University. A student, thus admitted need not write IGNOU examination for such courses which are found equivalent to ours.
Programme Structure
The University follows credit system for its Bachelor's Degree Programme. Each credit amounts to 30 hours of study comprising all learning activities. To successfully complete the B.Com. programme, one has to earn 96 credits over a period of 3 to 8 years depending on your convenience. However, student will not be allowed to earn more than 32 credits in a year.
1. Foundational courses 24 credits or 24 credits
2. Elective Courses 64 credits Or 56 credits
3. Application-Oriented Courses 8 credits or 16 credits
Total 96 credits 96 credits
Foundation Courses :
Foundation courses are compulsory for all students. One has to earn 24 credits of foundation courses.
1 Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences (8 credits)
1 Foundation Course in Science and Technology (8 credits)
1 Foundation Course in English-1 (4 credits)
Foundation Course in Hindi (4 credits)
or FHD-1 or any one Modern Indian Languages (4 credits) viz., Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada,Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
Elective Courses:
These are basically discipline oriented courses. Under this category, one has to earn 56 to 64 credits. For B.Com. students it is compulsory to earn 48 credits from elective courses in commerce, which are given below:
01 Business Organisation (4 credits)
02 Accountancy-I (4 credits)
03 Management Theory (4 credits)
05 Mercantile Law (4 credits)
06 Economic Theory (4 credits)
07 Elements of Statistics (4 credits)
08 Company Law (4 credits)
09 Money, Banking and Financial Institutions (4 credits)
10 Elements of Costing (4 credits)
11 Elements of Income-Tax (4 credits)
12 Elements of Audition (4 credits)
13 Business Environment (4 credits)
14 Accountancy II (4 credits)
To complete 56 or 64 credits in elective courses, student has to select 8 or 16 credits from the elective courses in other disciplines such as Computers English, Hindi, Economics, Public Administration, Political Science, History, Sociology, Rural Development and Mathematics.
Application Oriented Courses:
Student has to complete 8 or 16 credits from the following application oriented courses.
1* Marketing (4 credits)
1* Export Procedure and Documentation (4credits)-1* Office Organisation and Management (4 credits)
1* Secretarial Practice (4 credits)
1 Translation (8 credits) (English 4 credits + Hindi 4 credits)
1 Feature Writing (4 credits)
1 Feature Lekhan (4 credits)
1 Radio Lekhan (4 credits)
1 Writing for Ratio (4 credits)
Human Environment (Theory 6 Cr. Project Report 2 Cr.) (8 credits)
1 Organising Childcare Services (8 credits)
1 Nutrition for Community (8 credits)
1 Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (8 credits)
1 Consumer Studies (8 credits)
3 Teaching Strategies (English) (4 credits) } To be
4 Teaching English - Elementary School (4 credits) } taken
or } together
5 Teaching English - Secondary School (4 credits) }
(*Commerce based Application Oriented Courses)
5.Choose only one out of the following Language Course 1. English II 2. Hindi 3. Marathi 4. Malayalam 5. Tamil 6. Kannada 7. Gujarati 8, Bengali 9. Assamese 10. Punjabi 11. Telugu 12. Oriya 13. Urdu
6.Choose any one of the following Elective Subjects
1. Business Organization 2. Accountancy I 3. Accountancy II 4. Mercantile Law 5. Company Law 7. Economic Theory 8. Statistics.9 Money Banking And Financial Institutions 10 Income Tax 11.Auditing 12.Business Environment
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