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B.Sc Psychology
B.Sc Geography 

B.Sc. Computer Science

B.Sc Maths 
B.SC Maths with Computer Application 

Open University Syste
Tamil Nadu Open University

B.Sc Psychology B.Sc Geography  B.Sc Computer Science B.Sc Maths 
B.SC Maths with Computer Application  Open University System                                      
Tamil Nadu Open University
                                                   No formal educational qualification is required for joining BSc Maths

Tamil Nadu Open University

Eligibility   Previous qualification not required for joining this course (No pre-qualification is required) All School failures are admittied to this course
 Candidates who have completed 18 years of age  are eligible for admission to B.A/B.Com. three years degree course .  .Students need to appear for the  preparatory test along with FY BA Final Exam  First year student will automatically proceed to the second year and second year student to the final year whether they pass the exam or not. The same rule is applicable to the post graduate students also. Fresh Registration is available for academic year ( Exam will be held in May /June)  as well as calender year ( Exam will be held in Dec)
 The examination will be held on April/May every year  

B.Sc Psychology
Tamil Nadu Open University
 First Year

1 Hindi Or French or Urdu or Tamil or Kannada or Malayalam or Telugu
 2. English
 3 Basic Psychology-1 4 Development Psychology  5 educational Psychology
 Second Year
 1 Hindi Or French or Urdu or Tamil or Kannada or Malayalam or Telugu
 2. English
 3 Basic Psychology_2  4 Experimental Psychology-1  5 Guidence ans counselling Psychology 6 Environmental Studies
 Third Year
1 Abnormal Psychology 2 Social Psychology  3 Human resource Development  4 rehabilitation Psychology 5 Experimental Psychology-II
B.Sc. Computer Science
Tamil Nadu Open University
No formal educational qualification is prescribed. All school failures are admitted. to this course .Candidates who have completed 18 years of age on first July (or earlier) of the academic year are eligible for admission
 First Year
Hindi or Urdu or  French  or Tamil or  Telugu or Malayalam or Kannada
 2 English Language
 3 Mathematics
 4 Introduction to Computer Organization
 5 C’ Programming and Data Structure
 6 Visual Basic Proramming
 7 Lab 1: & VB Programming
Second Year
 1 Applied Operaions Research
 2 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
 3 Object Oriented Programming with C++
 4 Introduction to Database Management Systems
 Elective I Any one from the following
 1 Accounting and Financial Management
 2 Management Information Systems
 3 Principles of Management
 4 Managing Information Technology
 5 Environmental Studies
    Lab 2: C++ Programming & RDBMS

Third Year

 1 2 Data Communications and Networking
 2 Introduction to Operating Systems
 3 Java Programming
 4 HTML & Web Design
 5 Introduction to Software Engineering
 Elective II Any one from the following
 1 Network Security
 2 Software Testing
 3 Compiler Design
 4 TCP/IP Programming
 5 Intranet Administration
    Lab 3: Java Programming
    Project Work

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
B.Sc Maths

Tamil Nadu Open University
No formal educational qualification is required for joining .B.A/B.Com/B.Sc/B.B.A/B.C A.All School failures are admitted to First Year Degree course .A Candidates who have completed 18 years on 1 st July of the academic year are eligible for provisional admission for these courses. The provisional admission will be confirmed after a simple preparatory test 
First Year
Language Courses
(1) All 1st year BA / B.Com. / BBA / B.Sc./BTS students must take a 6-credit English Language Course
and any one of the following 6-credit Language Courses:
1 Tamil or  2 Telugu or  3 Malayalam or 4 Kannada or  5 Hindi or 6 Urdu or  7 French
2 English (Language)
Second Year
1) All 2nd year BA/B.Sc. students must take a 6-credit English Language Course and any one of the following 6-credit Language Courses:
2) Tamil or 2 Telugu or 3 Malayalam or 4 Kannada or  5 Hindi or 6 Urdu or 7 French
(3) All 2nd year students of Bachelor’s Degree programme must take a 6-credit Elective & Allied Courses -Environmental Studies Course  - B.A / B.Com/ BTS/BBA/B.Lit/B.Sc/BCA

First Year

1 Calculus and Classical Algebra
2 Trignometry, Analytical Geometry (3d) and Vector Calculus
3 Differential Equation
Second Year

2) Hindior 2 Telugu or 3 Malayalam or 4 Kannada or  5  Tamil  or 6 Urdu or 7 French
2 English (Language)
3 Modern Algebra
4 Statistics
5 Mechanics
6 Environmental Studies
Final  year
1 Real and Complex Analysis
2 inear Algebra and Number System
3 Linear Programming and Operations Research
4 Programming in C and C++
5 Graph Theory

B.SC Maths with
Computer Application

Tamil Nadu Open University
First Year
1 Hindi or Urdu or  French  or Tamil or  Telugu or Malayalam or Kannada
02 English
03 Elements of Calculus
04 Trignometry ,Analytical Geometry (3d) and Vector Calculus 05 Computer fundamentals and PC Software 
06 Lab-I  Computer fundamentals and PC Software
Second Year
7 Hindi or or  Urdu or  French Telugu or  Malayalam or  Kannada or    Tamil  
08 English
09 Groups and rings
10 classical Algebra and Numerical Methods 
11 Programming in C and C ++
12  Lab-2 C and C ++ 
13  Environmental Studies
Third Year
14 real and Complex Analysis 
15 lenear Algebra and Boolean algebra 
16 lenear Programming and operation research 
17 Graph theory
18 Intoduction to Internet Programming (Java )
19 Lab -3 inter programming (Java

B.Sc Geography

Tamil Nadu Open University
Eligibility   Previous qualification not required for joining this course (No pre-qualification is required) All School failures are admittied to this course
Candidates who have completed 18 years of age on 1st July of the academic year are eligible for admission to B.A/B.Com. three years degree course .  .Students need to appear for the  preparatory test along with FY BA Final Exam  First year student will automatically proceed to the second year and second year student to the final year whether they pass the exam or not. The same rule is applicable to the post graduate students also.
The examination will be held on April/May every year  

First Year

1 Hindi Or French or Urdu or Tamil or Kannada or Malayalam or Telugu
2. English
3 Physical geography
4 Practical- 1 Preliminary exercises and Relief Study
5 Statistics
Second year
1 Hindi Or French or Urdu or Tamil or Kannada or Malayalam or Telugu
2. English
3 Geography of Resources
4 Practical -II representation of Geographical Data and Survey
5 Bio Geography
6 Environmental Studies

Third Year
1 Geography of India
2 Fundamentals of Cartography
3 Disaster Management
4 Spatial Information Technologies
5 Practical -III Computed assisted diagrams and Maps
St.Paul's College  of Distance  education

Letter to prospective students

Centres of Exam 

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