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BA and M.A. English
Tamil Nadu Open University      Mumbai university       Annamalai University    Karnataka State University   
Karnataka State University         Shivaji University        Madras University         Madurai Kamaraj University    
Shivaji University                      SNDT University        Dravidian University      MS  University

Previous qualification not required for joining BA  course in Tamil Nadu Open University SNDT IGNOU Dravisian/ University
One/Two sitting  and Lateral Entry Continues for discontinued students

                                                                     BA English                                             
    Tamil Nadu Open University   Mumbai university    Annamalai University    Karnataka State University   
Shivaji University Madras University    Madurai Kamaraj University    Manonmaniam Sundaranar University  
                                 Shivaji University SNDT University  Dravidian University
  Previous qualification not required for joining BA  course in Tamil Nadu Open University SNDT IGNOU Dravisian University

Tamil Nadu Open University
Previous qualification not required for joining this course (No pre-qualification is required) All School failures are admittied to this course.
One sitting still continues for discontinued students
Students who may have completed one year of study in other Universities are admitted to the second year B.A. / B.Com. / B.Sc. / BBA and students who may have completed two years of study in other Universities are admitted in the Final Year B.A./B.Com./ B.Sc./BBA. It is not necess­ary to pass F.Y. or S.Y. to join for One/Two sitting course.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Eligibility   Previous qualification not required for joining this course (No pre-qualification is required) All School failures are admittied to this course
Candidates who have completed 18 years of age on 1st July of the academic year are eligible for admission to B.A/B.Com. three years degree course .  .Students need to appear for the  preparatory test along with FY BA Final Exam  First year student will automatically proceed to the second year and second year student to the final year whether they pass the exam or not. The same rule is applicable to the post graduate students also.
The examination will be held on April/May every year  
BA English
Tamil Nadu Open University
 1 Hindi Or French or Urdu or Tamil or Kannada or Malayalam or Telugu 2. English
3 Social History of England
4 Age of Chaucer
5 Restoration Age
Modern Indian Writing in English (Ancillary
1 Hindi Or French or Urdu or Tamil or Kannada or Malayalam or Telugu  2. English
3 William Shakespeare
4 Romantic Age
5 Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication (Ancillary)
6 Environmental Studies
1 Victorian Age
2 Modern English Literature
3 American Literature
4 Introduction to Literary Criticism and Theories
5 Introduction to Language and Linguistic
Mumbai university 

Duration : 3 years
Eligibility : H.S.C. Arts/ Science/Commerce
First Year B.A
List Of Subjects For Study
F.Y.B.A. - Total Marks 600
Mumbai university 
Compulsory Subjects (3 Papers)
1 Communication Skills in English
2 Compulsory Languages (Any one of the following)
(a) Marathi, (b) Hindi (c) Urdu (d) French No No
3 Foundation Course - Paper - I (Social Awareness, Personality Development & Current Affairs)
Optional Subjects
Select your THREE optional subjects at F.Y.B.A. carefully because you will have to offer the same THREE optional subjects
with Paper II & III at S.Y.B.A. and TWO subjects in combination of THREE papers each or only ONE subject entirely with SIX papers at T.Y.B.A.
Select any THREE subjects of 100 marks each from Social Sciences Group.
Select any TWO subjects from Social Sciences Group and any ONE subject from Ancillary (Optional) Language Group.
Social Science Group (Select any 2 or 3 subjects)
4 Psychology -Paper - I (General Psychology)
5 Economics - Paper-I (Foundations of Economic Theory)
6 History - Paper - I (Land Marks in world History from renaissance to 1945AD)
7 Sociology - Paper - I Foundation Sociology
8 Political Science - Paper - I (Introduction to Politics)
9 Commerce - Paper I (Introduction to Commerce and Business Management)
10 Philosophy - Paper I (Moral Philosophy)
Rural Development (Introduction to Rural Development)
Education - Paper - I (Principles of Education)
Ancillary (Optional) Language Group (Select any one)
If you have selected only 2 subjects from Social Sciences Group, then you have to select any 1 subject from following
subjects of Ancillary (Optional) Language/ Group.
English Paper I (English literature from 1798 to 1900) or Marathi or Hindi or Urdu or French
S.Y.B.A. - Total Marks 800
Mumbai university 
Compulsory Subjects
1 Foundation Course - Paper II (Story of science and Ecological studies)
2 Applied Component Group (Any ONE of the following)
a) Journalism
b) Business Communication
Optional Subjects - Select only those THREE subjects which were offered at F.Y.B.A.
3 Philosophy Paper II - Indian Philosophy
Paper III- History of Western Philosophy
5 Economics - Paper II - Micro Economics
Paper III - Political Prospectus of Indian
6 History - Paper II - History of Asia (19---1976)
Paper III - Ancient India (up to 1000 AD.)
7 Sociology - Paper II - Current Issues in Indian Society Yes Yes
Paper III - Introduction to SociologicalPerspective and India Sociology
8 Political Science
Paper II - Indian Political System
Paper III - Public Administration
9 Commerce Paper II - Business Management
Paper III - Principles & Practices of Marketing
10 Rural Development
Paper II - Rural Society and Economy
Paper III - Rural Govt., Administration &
11 Education
Paper II - Educational Psychology
Paper III - Guidance & Counselling
12 Ancient Indian culture
Paper II - Cultural History of Ancient from 400 B.C. upto 647 A.D.
Paper III - Cultural History of Ancient India from 647 A.D. upto 1318 A.D.
13 English Optional
Paper II Indian writing in English & Indian Literature in Translation
Paper III Twentieth century American Literature (1900 to date)
14 Marathi Optional Paper II and Paper III
15 Hindi Optional Paper II and Paper III
16 Urdu Optional Paper II and Paper II

Final Year B.A.English
(Revised) 3 Paper only
Mumbai university
Paper IV English Literature (Shakespeare & English Literature from 1579 to 1660)
Paper V Literary Criticism
Paper VI Modern English Structure & the Art of Writing
Theory and Practice of Translation

S.N.D.T University
B.A. English, , BA. History,  B.A. Economics,
B.A Sociology, B.A. Political Science, 

Duration 3 years
No formal educational qualification is required  for joining  B.A./B.Com.Candidates who have completed 18 years on first June of the academic year are eligible to apply for the course under open university system. After passing the entrance test, student will be admitted to first year B.A./ B.Com./. course. H.S.C. passed candidates need not appear for entrance test
University Entrance Test for BA
1 Language skills English/Hindi/Gujrati/Marathi
2 Learning skills
3 Introduction Social Sciences
4 Social Awareness

First Year  BA
1 FC I History as Heritage
2 FC II Women in Changing India
3 CC English for English  or CC English Non English Medium or CC Hindi or Composite course  English and Gujrati or Hindi or Marathi
4 DC 1 CC English  Hindi or  Gujrati or Marathi or Economics or History or Politics or Sociology or Music
5 DC II CC English  Hindi or  Gujrati or Marathi or Economics or History or Politics or Sociology or Music or Geography or Psychology
Second Year  BA
1 CC English for English  or CC English Non English Medium or CC Hindi or Composite course  English and Gujrati or Hindi or Marathi
2 FC Current Concern
3 DC CC English  Hindi or  Gujrati or Marathi or Economics or History or Politics or Sociology or Music
3 DC CC English  Hindi or  Gujrati or Marathi or Economics or History or Politics or Sociology or Music
5 APC English  Hindi or  Gujrati or Marathi or Economics or History or Politics or Sociology or Music
6 English  Hindi or  Gujrati or Marathi or Economics or History or Politics or Sociology or Music or Psychology or Geography
TY BA details will be added later

Annamalai University

Eligibility :HSC or equivalent exam
Students who may have completed one year of study in other Universities are admitted to the second year B.A. / B.Com. / B.Sc. / BBA and students who may have completed two years of study in other Universities are admitted in the Final Year B.A./B.Com./ B.Sc./BBA. It is not necess­ary to pass F.Y. or S.Y. to join for One/Two sitting course.

Duration : 3 years Three Divisions of entrance test are as follows
1. English Language
2. Translation from English to Hindi or Tamil or French
3. Subject History or Eco­nomics or Psychology or Sociology or Political Science or Population studies or English or Commerce or Marketing or Public Administration. or Business Administration. or Mathematics

First Year B.A. / B.Sc.1.Hindi or French or Tamil2.English

Second Year B.A. / B.Sc
1.Hindi or French or Tamil2. English

B.A. English
 Annamalai university
First Year
1 . Social History of England
2. Literary Forms
Second Year :
3. Poetry
4. Prose and Fiction
5. History of English Literature
Final Year :
6. Drama
 7. Shakespeare
8. History of English Language
9. American Literature
10. Indian Writing in English

Madras University
In one of the most revol­utionary moves in the educati­onal field, Madras University has decided to permit private candidates to appear for B.A / B.Com /.B.A. / B.B.M. / B.Sc. Maths.. / Psy. /Geography /B.C.A. Exams
Duration : 3 years
Eligibility : HSC or equivalent exam.
 . The course of study for the B.A., B.Com. B.B.A, B.Sc. (Maths) / B.Sc. (Psy..) / BBM/ BCA degrees shall consist of the following.
F.Y.B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., B.B.M., B.Sc., B.C.A.,
Foundation Course
1) Any one  Hindi or Malayalam or Tamil or Telugu or Urdu or Kannada or French or Arabic or Sanskrit or Communicative English
2. English
S.Y.B.A., B.Sc. Foundation Course.
1) Any one Hindi or Malayalam or Tamil or Telugu or Urdu or Kannada or French or Arabic or Sanskrit or Communicative English
2) English
Second Year B.Com.. B.B.A.. B.B.M., B.C.A. Students Need not study languages

B.A. English 

Madras university
First  Year a Main Subject
01. Elizabethan Age
02. Augustan Age and The Romantic Age
03  b) Allied Subject1. History of English Literature and Social History of 
England 1550 to 1800 and Literary forms
Second Year
Main Subject
04. Victorian Age
05. The 20th century)
06  Allied Subject Il-History of English Literature & Social History of England from 1801 to the present day And Literary forms
Final Year Main Subject
07. Shakespeare
08. American Literature
09. Indian Writing in English
10. Language & Linguistics)
11  Application oriented subject:- Journalism
Madurai Kamaraj University 

: HSC or equivalent exam
Duration : 3 Years
First Year : B.A. / B.Sc.
Paper 1 and 2
Any one of the languages; Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, French, Sanskrit, Arabic, Urdu. English P 1 & 2
Second Year :
B.A. / B.Sc.
Paper 1 and 2
Any one of the languages; Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu,Kannada, French, Sanskrit, Arabic, Urdu.

First Year
1. History of English Literature
Second Year
2. Drama
3. General Knowledge
Final Year

3. Prose
4. Poetry
5. Fiction
6. Shakespeare



Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

Eligibility :

HSC or equivalent Exam
B.A./B.Com./ B.C.A.
Students who may have completed one year of study pass or fail in other Universities are admitted to the Second Year B.A./ B.Com. course and
students who may have completed two Years of study pass or fail in other colleges and Universities are admitted to the Final Year B.A./B.Com./B.B.A./B.C.A. course.
DURATION : 3 years
First Year B.A.1 & 2 Hindi or Malayalam or Tamil1 & 2 English
Second Year B.A.3 & 4 Hindi or Malayalam or Tamil or Urdu3 & 4 English

Fi rst Year
1. Modern English Grammar and Usage.
2. Short Stories & One Acters
3. Indian Writing in English
4. Social History of England
Second Year
5. Fiction
6. Prose and Drama
7. Poetry
8. American Literature
Final Year

9. Twentieth century Literature
10.The use of English
11.History of English Literature
13.Introduction to Literary Criticism
14.Literary forms
B.A. English     
Periar University

Eligibility:- + 2 Pass or its equivalent
Duration:- 3 Years
First Year - Foundation
1 Tamil-1 or Telugu – I or Kannada – I or Urdu – I or Hindi – I or Arabic – I or Malayalam – I or French –I or Sanskrit – I
2 English
3 Fiction
4 Drama
5 Social History of England - Allied I
Second Year  - Foundation
1 Tamil – II or Telugu – II or Kannada –II or Urdu – II or Hindi – II or Arabic – II or Malayalam – II or French –II or Sanskrit – II
2 English - II 1
3 Prose
4 Poetry
5 History of English Literature - Allied II
Final Year 
Note:-Subjects for TY is to be verified again
1 Shakespeare
2 Indian Writing in English
3 American Literature
4 History of the English Language
5 Literary Forms Literary Terms and Introduction to Literary Criticism
Karnataka State University

Candidates who have completed 18 years of age on 1st July of the academic year are eligible for admission to B.A/B.Com. three years degree course
(No pre-qualification is required) Students need not appear for the entrance test. First year student will automatically proceed to the second year
and second year student to the final year whether they pass the exam or not. The same rule is applicable to the post graduate students also.
The examination will be held on April/May every year 

Duration 3 years and the maximum duration is 6 years. Candidates who cannot complete the course within 6 years will have to seek fresh admission.
Group I: Languages
Candidates for B.A. and B.Com. have to choose 2 languages for study during the first 2 years, from: Kannada, English, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Tamil, and
Telugu The university will provide only the syllabus but not the lessons in case of MalayalamText books for the languages are common for first year B.A. and
first year B.Com., but syllabus as well as text books for languages are different in the second year
Group II: Foundation Courses
B.A./B.Com. Candidates will have to study the following foundation courses:

Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences I year.

Foundation Course in Science and Technology I year.
Foundation Course in Information Technology   II year
GROUP IV: Application Oriented Courses
Each student of B.A./B.Com, will have to study one Application Oriented Courses (AOC)
Any one of the following :
a) Consumer Studies
b) Manceding
c) Export Procedure and Documents
d) Office Management

GROUP III: Optional Subjects
Candidates for B.A. have to choose any 3 optional subjects from: History, Sociology, Economics, English, Hindi, Urdu, Political Science or Public Administration, Education, Kannada, English Hindi and Urdu. There will be 5 papers in each of these subjects: Paper I, in the first year for 100 marks; Paper II second year for 100 marks each; Papers III, IV and V in the third (final) year for 100 marks each, as shown below:
B.A. Optional Subjects
B.A. English Literature              
Karnataka State Open University
Optional English
First Year B.A.
 I    :    Poetry, Drama (2 plays), Fiction (2 novels), Prose & Criticism
Second Year B.A.
II    :    Poetry, Drama, Fiction, Prose & Criticism
Third Year B.A.
III    :    Poetry, Drama, Fiction, Prose & Criticism
IV   :    Poetry, Drama, Fiction
V    :    History of English Language, Literary Criticism
Dravidian  University

Eligibility   Previous qualification not required for joining this course (No pre-qualification is required) All School failures are admittied to this course
Candidates who have completed 18 years of age are eligible for admission to B.A/B.Com. three years degree course .  .Students need to appear for the  preparatory test along with FY BA Final Exam  First year student will automatically proceed to the second year and second year student to the final year whether they pass the exam or not. Candidates who have completed 25 years of age are eligible for admission to MA. two years degree course.
The examination will be held on April/May every year
BA/BCom Duration- 2 years  

 BA English
Dravidian University
Sujects and details will be added later




    University Karnataka state open University  Annamalai University
                  Madurai Kamaraj University  Manonmaniam Sundaranar University  Mumbai University 
                       Shivaji University S.N.D.T University Tamil Nadu Open University  Periar University


M.A. English
Madras University
Eligibility : B.A. English or B.A/B.Sc. with English under part I or II or any exam equivalent there to
First Year
01 Chaucer and the Elizabethan Age
02 The Neo Classical Age
03 Romantic and the Victorian Age
04 Twentieth Century Literature
05 Literature Analysis, Approaches & Application 50
Final Year
06 Shakespeare
07 English Language and Linguistics
08 American Literature
09 Post Colonial Literatures in English
10 Literary Criticism and Literary Theory
M .A. English

Karnataka state open University
One Sitting for discontinued students
: Graduates of any faculty with English at Par 1 and  2 or Main
Duration Two Years
First Year
1 English literature from Chaucer to Bunyan
2 Shakespeare
3 Restoration and Eighteenth century English literature
4 Nineteenth century Literature
5 Indian Literature in English

Final Year
6.The 20th Century English Literature
7. Comparative Literature
8. Literary Criticism
9.American Literature
10 European classics in Translation
Annamalai University
Eligibility :
Degree from a recognized university (graduates of any faculty).  
Duration : 2 Years
Annamalai University 
First Year

1. English Literature from Chaucer to 1660
2. Restoration and 18th Century English Literature
3. Romantic and Victorian Periods
4. New Literatures in English
5. American Literature
Second Year

1. Twentieth Century English
2. Shakespeare
3. The English Language and Linguistics
4. Principles of Literary  Criticism Opt. 1. l-Feminist Writing (OR) II- Priniciples of Journalism
MA English

Dravidian university
M.A.part I and II English/ Subject details will be added later
Eligibility Degree
Centres of exam:- Mumbai and other important cities 

MA English
Kamaraj University
Eligibility:- degree from a recognized university
Duration : 2 Years.

First Year
1. The Elizabethan and Augustan Ages
2. The Romantic and Victorian Ages
3. Modern and Post Modern Literature
4  American Literature
Final Year

4. Indian writing in English
5. The Study of English Language and  English Language Teaching
6. An Introduction to Literary Criticism 
8. Journalism and Mass Communication  

                                                                                                          Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
M.A English  
- Degree from a recognized university 
Duration -2 years
First Year
1. Modern Literature I
2. Modern Literature II
3. Modern Literature III
4. Indian and Other Common­wealth Literature in English
Final Year
5. Modern Literature IV
6. Shakespeare
7. American Literature
8. English Language of Com­munication Skills
Mumbai University
Eligibility : Graduates in any faculty
First Year

1 Indian Literature in English             
2 Linguistic and Stylistic Analysis of Text
3 Literature of English Renaissance and Renaissance
4 Language Learning and Teaching or 19th and 20th American Century literature
4 American Literature (from the beginning to1900)
Final Year
5 Literary Theory and Criticism
6 Period Studies through Literary Genres: Poetry
7 Period Studies through Literary Genres: Drama
8 Indian Literature in Translation OR
8 20th Century American Literature
                                                                                                          S.N.D.T University
M..A. English,
Eligibility : Graduates of any Faculty
Duration - 2 yrs

M.A. English
S.N.D.T University
1.Literature and Metaphysical Questioning
2.Women as object and as subject or popular forms & themes in Literary writing
3.New Literature in English in Canada, Australia and New Zealand
4.English Language & Teaching
5.Literature & Social Reality or Indian Writing in Translation
6. Criticism
7.American Literature
8.Stylistic Approach to Literary Analysis

Shivaji University
M.A. English, Economics, History, Sociology, Political Science, Marathi, Hindi.
Duration : 2 years
Eligibility :

1 A pass in B.A. /
(B.Sc. / B.Com. Degree holders are eligible after passing Entrance Test)
2 a. Persons residing in
Maharashtra or in Goa or in Belgaum or Karwar.
3.Women residing at any place or
4.A graduate of this Univ­ersity irrespective of his place of residence or
5 Persons who are domiciled in Maharashtra and have passed the Pre Degree Part I Examination of this University provided they are in the
   services of the Central or Maharashtra Govt. or
6. Marathi speaking persons residing anywhere

First Year
1.English Literature from Chaucer to the end of the 17 th Century
2.English Literature from Pope to the end of the 17 the Century
3.Introduction to Linguistic Theory
4.19th Century American Literature
Final Year

5.20th Century English Literature
6.Literary Criticism
7 20th Century American Literature
8.Shakespeare M.A. Hindi, M.A. Marathi details can be had on request
Tamil Nadu Open University
Duration 2 years

Tamil Nadu Open University
Eligibility Bachelor’s Degree
Duration 2 years
First Year 
01 William Shakespeare
02 Modern English Literature
03 Women’s Writing in English
04 American Literature
05 Applied Linguistics (ELT)
Final Year
06 Literary Theories
07 Literary Criticism
08 Translation Studies
09Creative Writing in English
10 Spoken English

M.A. English (
Periar University
Any Degree with English in Part II
Duration:- 2 Years

First Year

1 General Essay
2 Chaucer and Elizabethan Ages
3 Restoration and Augustan Ages
4 Romantic and Victorian Ages
5 Twentieth Century Leterature
Final Year

1 American Literature
2 Commonwealth Literature
3 Shakespeare
4 Language and Linguistics
5 Women Studies


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