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Madurai Kamaraj University
M.A Pub. Administration.
M.A Political . science, 
M.A English, 
M.A Economics
M.A Sociology
 M.A.Gandhian Thought 
M.A. Journalism & Mass Communication 
M.A Philosophy and Religion
M.A. Advertising & Public Relations 
M.A MLM Labour Managemen


 M.A Madurai Kamaraj University
                            M.A in Pub. Administration.  M.APolitical . science,  M.AEnglish,  M.AEconomics M.A Sociology
                           M.A. Gandhian Thought  M.A. Journalism & Mass Communication  M.A Philosophy and Religion
                                              M.A. Advertising & Public Relations  M.A
(MLM)Labour Management 
                                                                     M.A Tourism Management
Degree from a recognized university
Duration : 2 Years.

M.A. History
Madurai Kamaraj University
First Year
1 Historiography and Historical method
2.Freedom Struggle and Constitutional Development  in India 1773-1950
3.History of Europe 1789-1919 A.D.
4.International Relations 1914-1973 A.D.
Final Year
5.History of Tamil Nadu up to A.D. 1956
6.History of Russia (1854-1964)
7.History of U.S.A. (1854-1964) A.D
8.History of China and Japan  since 1840    


M.A. Political Science
Madurai Kamaraj University
First Year
1 Modern Political Theory
2.Political Thought
3 National and State Polity in India
4.Principles of Public Admi­nistration
Final Year
5.Human rights
6.Contemporary Political system
7.World Politics and Human Rights
8.Political Ideologies

M. A. Public Administration
Madurai Kamaraj University
First Year
1.Administrative Organization and Management
2.Modern Western Government
3.Administrative Thinkers
4. Public Personnel and Financial Administration
Final Year
5. Comparative Public Administration
6. Indian Administration
7. Human Rights
8. Local self Government in Tamil Nadu

M.A. Economics
Madurai Kamaraj University
First Year
1 Micro Economics Analysis
2.Macro Economics Analysis
3.Public Economics
4.Indian  Economic Policy.
Final Year
1. Quantitative Methods
2. Economics of Growth and Development
3. International Trade and finance
4. Agricultural Economics      
M.A.Human Rights
Madurai Kamaraj University
Eligibility Any degree of this University or any other recognized University
Course Duration :2 Years
First Year
1Introduction to Human Rights
2 Principles and Theories of Human Rights
3 International Organizations and Instruments of Human Rights
4 Human Rights in India
Final Year
1 Issues and Human Rights in India
2 Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
3 Human Rights Education, Teaching and Training
4 Human Rights Activism and Role of NGO’s


Contd ..........in the next column

M .A.Criminology And Police Administration (Lateral Entry)
Madurai Kamaraj University
Those who have passed PG Diploma in Criminology and Police Administration of D.D.E., M.K.U.
can join II Year M.A. Criminology and Police Administration with Four Papers and an year exemption
Course Duration 2 Years
1 Theoretical Criminology
2 Research Methodology
3 Penology & Correctional Administration
4 Prevention of Crime and Delinquency

M..A.Criminology And Police Administration

Madurai Kamaraj University
Eligibility Any degree of this University or any other recognized University
Course Duration 2 Years
First Year
1 Principles of Criminology
2 Theoretical Criminology
3 Criminal Law and Procedure
4 Research Methodology
Final Year
1 Police Administration and Investigations
2 Penology & Correctional Administration
3 Human Rights and Victimology
4 Prevention of Crime Delinquency
M.A. Advertising & Public Relations

Madurai Kamaraj University
Eligibility : Any Degree
First Year
1.Introduction to Commu­nication
2.Introduction to Advertising
3.Principles of Public Relation
4.Creating Advertisements
5.Process of Public Relation
6.Campus Programme Creation of Ad
 Final Year
7Tools of practice Relations
8.Integrated Marketing Communication
9. Media Planning
10.Advertising Comparison
11. Advertising  & PR Research
12.Campus Programming Adv. company media planning Tools
13. Project work

M.A. English Literature
Madurai Kamaraj University

First Year
1. The Elizabethan and Augustan Ages
2. The Romantic and Victorian Ages
3. Modern and Post Modern Literature
4  American Literature
Final Year
4. Indian writing in English
5. The Study of English Language and  English Language Teaching
6. An Introduction to Literary Criticism 
8. Journalism and Mass Communication
M.A. Gandhian Thought
Madurai Kamaraj University

irst Year
1. Life and Basic works of Mahatma Gandhi
2. Sarvodaya
3. Truth & Non-Violence
4. Gandhian Approach to Science Technology and Development
5. The Constructive work and Human Liberation
Final Year
6. Satyagraha and Peace making
7. Gandhian Way of Man­agement and Trusteeship
8. A Gandhian Futurology
9. Gandhian Life Style
10.Contemporaries of Ma­hatma Gandhi
Contd ..........in the next column

M.A. Journalism & Mass Communication
Madurai Kamaraj University
First year
1. Introduction to Communication
2. Communication Theories
3. Communication Technology
4  Media Laws and Ethics
5. Campus Programme Practical-I -Writing skills
Final year
6.Print Journalism
7 Electronic Journalism.
8.Advertising and Public Relations
9.Development Communication
10.Campus Programme Practical II Photography and Video Production


M.A. Sociology
Madurai Kamaraj University
First Year
1. Introduction to Sociology
2. Sociological Theories
3. Research Methods in Sociology
4. Study of Indian Society
Final Year
5. Study of Urban and Rural Sociology
6. Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare
7. Social Psychology
8. Sociology of Health


M.A Philosophy and Religion
Madurai Kamaraj University
Eligibility :
Any Degree
First Year
1 Hinduism
2 Christianity
3 Islam
4 Jainism ,Buddhism and Sikhism
Final Year
6 Metaphysics and Epistemology
7 Logic and Philosophy of Human rights
8 Marxist and rationalist Philosophy
9 Feminist and dalit Philosophy
10 Ethics with Special Ref to Tirukkural and Mahatma Gandhi and the techniques of Philosophy and peace Making

M.A Tourism Management 
Madurai Kamaraj University
Eligibility :
Bachelor's degree or 3 yrs. Dip in Hotel Management & Catering Technology
First Year
1 Tourism Management
2.Tourism Product
3.Cultural Heritage of India
4.Tourism Marketing
5.Language Communication  Spoken French/Hindi/ English -Written 75 Marks Oral 25 Marks
Final Year
6.Tourism Policy and  Planning 
7.Eco Tourism
8 Travel Management
9. Hospitality Management
10. Project Work & Viva-voce Dissertation-75 Marks, Viva-25 marks

M.A Labour Management
Madurai Kamaraj University
Eligibility: Graduates of any faculty
First Year
1. Labour & Social Economics
2.Trade Unionism and Labour Welfare
3.Industrial Relations
4.Organizational Behaviors & Human Resources Mana­gement

Final year
5.Training & Development
6. Wage & Employment Admin­istration
7.Labour Legislation
8.Social Research & Statistics
9.Project Work===============


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