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Mumbai University 
M.A English 
M.A Economics 
M.A Education 
M.A History  
M.A Hindi 
M.A Marathi  M.A Politics 
M.A Sociology

 MA Mumbai University 
                                                 M.A English  M.A Economics  M.A Education  M.A History   M.A Hindi 
                                                                         M.A Marathi  M.A Politics  M.A Sociology

                                                                            Eligibility : Graduates in any faculty


M.A Education
Mumbai University
Duration  2 Years
for Admission to M.A. Part - I
Those who have passed the B.Ed./B.A with Education as one of the Elective paper or equivalent degree from other University.
About the Programme
M.A. in Education Programme
is aimed at developing professionals for effective participation in educational activity in different areas. The programme is an innovative Post Graduate programme in education which emphasizes both disciplinary & professional dimensions of education. The program comprises 6 core papers and two electives to be selected from four papers. Apart from theoretical courses, a student is required to submit 16 assignment response sheets two in each paper as a part of internal assessment. The programme is designed to include such thematic courses as are available for master?s level programme of various Indian Universities and is in line with the Curriculum Development Center of UGC in the subject of education. Students will also develop special expertise in chosen areas of study relating more directly to professional needs in the subject
The broad purpose of introducing M.A. in Education programme is to offer education as a liberal arts as well as professional programme and to promote such reflections on education.The introduction of this course will lead to the emergence of a cadre of post graduates who will be capable of
looking at Education form a broader social, cultural perspective to initiate debates and discussions on various aspects
of Education in relation to larger social milieu and provide the state inputs for policy formulation. After completion of this course one may proceed to M.Phil. & Ph.D. and generate knowledge in the subject. One could also join in Non-Government Organizations & teaching career in the teacher?s training colleges at various levels.
The National Council for Teacher Education mentions M.Ed./ M.A.Education as qualifications of teaching staff.
Induction Meeting. An induction meeting of all the students of M.A. (Part I) only will be held
There are two assignments in each paper. Thus there are 16 assignments to be submitted by each student both in part one
and part two. The assignment comprises 20% weightage of the total marks. The assignment questions of academic year
2007-08 is also valid for Second Half examination of 2008.It is necessary & compulsory to submit the assignments before the deadline prescribed for that purpose, without which you will not be permitted to write the University examination. You are required to score a minimum of 6 marks out of 20 in the two assignments prescribed for each paper.
If you fail to score 6 marks in each paper or cannot submit the assignments in the stipulated time of that year, you will have to wait for the assignments meant for the next year and submit them afresh.
Once you get 6 marks in one paper, you cannot resubmit it for improvement of marks. Assignments are not sent for re-evaluation.
Contd ..........in the next column
M.A.Part I
Paper I Philosophical Foundations of Education
Paper II Sociological Foundations of Education
Paper III Psychological Foundations of Education
Paper IV Educational Evaluation and Measurement

M.A. Part II
V Research Methodology in Education
VI Politics & Economics of Education
Select any two of the following electives
VII Curriculum Development (Elective Paper) (Not for IDE Students)

VIII Comparative Education (Elective Paper) (Not for IDE Students)
IX Information & Communication Technology(Elective Paper)
X Teacher Education (Elective Paper)
Note: Scheme of Examination: 80marks (external examination), 20 marks (internal assessment. The internal assessment will comprise of two assignments in each paper (10 marks each). There will be 16 assignments in all having 160 marks

M.A. English
Mumbai University
First Year
1 Indian Literature in English             
2 Linguistic and Stylistic Analysis of Text
3 Literature of English Renaissance and Renaissance
4 Language Learning and Teaching or 19th and 20th American Century literature
4 American Literature (from the beginning to1900)
Final Year
5 Literary Theory and Criticism
6 Period Studies through Literary Genres: Poetry
7 Period Studies through Literary Genres: Drama
8 Indian Literature in Translation
8 20th Century American Literature

M.A. Economics
Mumbai University
First Year
No. PCP Lectures for Economics Subject
Paper I Micro Economics
Paper II Macro Economics
Paper I Agricultural Economics
Paper I Industrial Economics
Final Year
No PCP Lectures for Economics Subject
Paper III Development Economics
Paper IV Public Economics
Paper II Agricultural Economics
Paper II Industrial Economic


M.A. Politics
Mumbai University
First Year
Group I -   Compulsory
Paper I      Political Theory
Paper II     Selected Issues and Themes in Indian Politics
Sub-GroupE - Indian Studies
Paper I      Foreign Policy & Diplomacy with Special reference to India
Paper II Modern Indian Political Thought (Paper-I)
Final Year
Paper III   International Politics
Paper IV   Public Administration
Sub-Grou E  Indian Studies
Paper III  State Politics in India
Paper IV  Comparative Political Analysis

Contd ..........in the next column 


M.A. Sociology     
Mumbai University

First Year
1. Theoretical  Perspectives of Sociology
2. Theoretical Anthropology
3. Sociology of Development
4. Perspectives of Indian Society
Final Year
1. Industry Labour  and Society
2. Environment and Society
3. Sociology of  Social movements
4. Gender and society   
M.A. Hindi
Mumbai University
First Year
1 Modern Prose                        
2 History of Hindi Literature
3 Medieval Poetry                     
4 Functional Hindi
Final  Year
1 .Study of Forms of Literature -Natak
2.History of Marathi Literature (1874-1960)
3.Linguistic Study of Marathi Language.
4.Modern Marathi Prose and Poetry Text (Post Mardhekar Period 1950 onwards)-5 books

M.A Marathi
Mumbai University
Eligibility : Graduates in any faculty
First Year
1 Form of Literature
2 History of Marathi literature 1874-1960
3 Linguistic Study of Marathi language
4 Modern Prose and poetry Texts -after 1960
Final Year
1 Study of ancient Period -Sant Dnyaneshwar
2 Theory of Literature     
3 Applied criticism
4 Dalit Literature or Folklore Literature

M.A. History
Mumbai University
First Year
1History of Modern Maharashtra (1818-1920)
2 Indian National Movement (1858-1947)
2 Dalit Movement (1900-1990)
3 History of Europe (1789-1919)
4History of West Asia (1900-1990)
4 History of South East Asia (1900-1990)OR
4 History of China (1900-1990)
Final Year
5  Historical Method and Philosophy of History
6 History of U.S.A.in 20th Century (1860-1976)
7 History of Maritime Trade in India ?17th, 18th and 19th Centuries
7 History of Buddhism & Jainism
8 Social and Economic History of Ancient India (from the earliest time to 1000 A.D.)
8 Social and Economic History of Maratha Period (1630-1818 A.D.)

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