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B.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics
B. Sc. Yoga and   M.Sc. Yoga
B.Nat. Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (Non Clinical)

B.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics

Madurai Kamaraj University
First Year
1 Part 1(Tamil)1or any one of the following languages in lieu of Tamil
I)Arabic Bengali French Hindi Kannada Malaya Mizo Sanskrit Telugu Urdu
2 Part 1(Tamil)1 or any one of the following languages in lieu of Tamil -
I)Arabic Bengali French Hindi Kannada Malaya Mizo Sanskrit Telugu Urdu
3 Part 2 (English) Prose grammar and Composition
4 Part 2 (English) Poetry and Drama
5Human Physiology
6 Food Microbiology
7 Food Science -1
8 Basic Nutrition
Second Year
1 Part 1(Tamil)1.Students may choose any one of the following languages in lieu of Tamil (Part
I)Arabic Bengali French Hindi Kannada Malaya Mizo Sanskrit Telugu
2 Part 1(Tamil)1.Students may choose any one of the following languages in lieu of Tamil (Part
-I)Arabic Bengali French Hindi Kannada Malaya Mizo Sanskrit Telugu

3 Part 2 (English) Prose and Composition
4 Part 2 (English)Poetry and Drama
5 Nutritional Bio Chemistry
6 Food Science
7 Nutrition through life cycle
8 Food Science Practicals
9 Part IV General Knowledge
Final Year
1 Functional Foods in Health and Disease
2 Food Service Management
3 Dietetics
Dietetics Practicals
Part V Environmental Studies


B.Nat. Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (Non Clinical)
Madras University
Eligibility :
First Year
Foundation Courses
1) Any one Hindi or Malayalam or Tamil or Telugu or Urdu or Kannada or French or Arabic or Sanskrit or Communicative English
2) English
Main Subjects
Paper - I : Principles of Yoga and Naturopathy
Paper - II :Basic Anatomy and Physiology
Paper - III :Methods of Yoga Practices
Paper - IV :Practicals (Asanas and Pranayama)
Allied Optional Subject - I Fitness and Wellness
Second Year
Foundation Courses
1) Any one Hindi or Malayalam or Tamil or Telugu or Urdu or Kannada or French or Arabic or Sanskrit or Communicative English
2) English
Core Course - Main Subjects
Paper -V :Principles of Yoga Theraphy
Paper -VI :Philosophy of Yoga Practice and Naturopathy
Paper - VII:Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic Practice
Paper - VIII :Practicals-Basic Kriyas and Meditation
Allied Optional Subject - II Application of Yoga and Naturopathy in Physical Education
Final Year
Paper -IX : Pathanjali Yoga Sutras
Paper -X : Yogic Diet
Paper -XI : Nature Cure
Paper -XII: Mental Health and Physical Health
Paper -XIII: Practicals-Advanced asanas, Pranayama,Kriyas, Bandhas, Mudras and Meditations
Allied Optional Subject - III Application of Yoga and Naturopathy Practices in sports performance
Project on any one of the following areas :
Asanas; Pranayama; Kriyas; Bandhas; Mudras and Meditations

B. Sc. Yoga

Periar University

+ 2 Pass or its equivalent
First Year
1 Human Anatomy
2 Physiological Functions of Human Body
3 Social Outlook of Siddhars
4 Fundamentals of Yoga
5 Medicinal Values of Herbs
6 Practical – I Identification of Herbs
7 Ancillary Paper –I: Microbiology
Second Year
1 Siddar‟s Physiology
2 Preventive health measures of siddar‟s
3 Yoga in School Education
4 Nature Yogic Diet
5 Simple home remedies
6 Ancillary Paper – 2 : Bio Chemistry
7 Practical – II: Demonstration of Surya namaskaram and preparation of one Yogic diet.
Final Year
1 Tirumoolar tirumandiram and patanjali Yoga sutra 1
2 Stages of Yoga practices 1
3 Role of Yoga in health & diseases 1
4 Basic of “THOKKANAM” and varma (basics of oil massage techniques)
5 Practical – III : 1. Demonstration of Yogasana‟s 2. Simple massage techniques and varma points
6 Project : Model Yogic Lesson plan for teaching in schools

M.Sc. Yoga

Periar University
Eligibility:- B.Sc. with relevant subject or its equivalent
Duration:- 2 Years

First Year
1 Scientific Basis of Siddha and Yoga
2 Siddhar Thathuvams (Siddha Physiology)
3 Fundamentals of Ashtanga Yoga from Patanjali Yoga Sutra Concepts of Yoga Practices
4 Concepts of Yoga Practices
5 Traditional Methods of Social and Preventive Science
6 Practicals: I
Final Year
1 Medicinal herbs and their commercial values
2 Siddhar‟s Sara Payirchi (Control over Breathing)
3 Role of Yoga in health and diseases
4 Yogic concepts in Tirumandiram
5 Research Methodology in Siddha and yoga
6 Practical – II




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