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Fashion Design /Textile Design /Interior Design/Beautician BSC MSc Diploma
Fashion Design
B.Sc Textile Design
B.Sc Interior Design
B. Sc Fashion Technology

M.Sc Interior Design
M.Sc Fashion Technology

Diploma in Beautician
Diploma in Fashion Design
Diploma in Textile Design
Diploma in Interior Design
Diploma in Fashion Design and Garment Making

Annamalai University   Tamil Nadu open University   Karnataka State open University

Click on any one of the following

Apparel and Fashion Design B.Sc
Fashion Design B.Sc/MSc 

Interior Design B.Sc/MSc

Textile Design B.Sc       


Only Diploma Courses in this folder

Diploma Courses
Fashion Design /Textile Design /Interior Design/Beautician
                                                 Annamalai University   Tamil Nadu open University
Diploma in Fashion Design
Annamalai University  
Duration: 1 Year
Eligibility: A pass in Pre-University / 10+2 Examination or equivalent examination
1 Elements of design
2 Illustration & fashion model drawing
3 Drafting & pattern making - I
4 Garment construction - I
5 Fabric study
6 CAD - I
7 Fashion art
8 Indian art & costume appreciation
9 Embroidery & surface ornamentation
Diploma in Textile Design
Annamalai University  
Duration: 1 Year
Eligibility: A pass in Pre-University / 10+2 Examination or equivalent examination
 1 Textile science & technology
 2 Colour theory & composition
 3 Drawing as an aid to design
 4 Elements of design
 5 Surface designing techniques
 6 CAD - I
 7 Yarn craft
 8 Fabric study
 9 Traditional Indian textiles
10 Dying & printing
11 Traditional Indian embroideries
Diploma in Interior Design
Annamalai University  
Duration: 1 Year
Eligibility: A pass in Pre-University / 10+2 Examination or equivalent examination
1 Design - I
2 Art and graphics
3 Construction - I
4 CAD - I
5 Design - II
6 Interior design theory - I
7 Construction - II

Diploma in Fashion Design and Garment Making
Tamil Nadu open University
Eligibility 10th Pass   Minimum age 15 years
Duration  One year
This Diploma programme has been designed to enhance the employment opportunities and self-employment. This programme includes basics of Child Garments,
Adult Garments, Embroidery & Mirror work and Fashion Design etc . After undergoing this programme the students will be able to make new Garments and
Fashion Design or can become entrepreneur also. This is a 36 credits programme comprising six courses
1 Child Garments
2 Adult Garments
3 Embroidery & Mirror Work
4 Fashion Design
5 Life Coping Skills
6 Communication Skills
Students enrolled for Fashion Design and Garment Making Programmes has to attend 90 percent of compulsory Practical session for each Course.
The theory session consists of one hour and the Practical session consists of two hours. The details of Counselling and Practical sessions
1 Fashion Design and Garment Making
2 Life Coping Skills
3 Communication Skills
4 Child Garments
6 Adult Garments
7 Embroidery & Mirror Work
8 Fashion Design
Diploma in Beautician
Tamil Nadu State University
Eligibility 10 th Std Min. age 16 Years
1 Skin Care
2 Hair Care and Hair Styling with Grooming
3 Health and Hygiene
4 Life Coping Skills
5 Common communication skills
6 Covering  Skin Care
7 Covering hair care and Mehendi 


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