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Mathematics Stream    BSc/MSc 
BSc Maths with Computer Application  
BSc Maths  One/Two sitting and 
BSc Maths Lateral entry

Open University system
One Year Double Degree Programms
No formal educational qualification is required for joining .BSc Maths B.A/B.Com/B.ScMaths/PSy/Geography /B.B.A/B.C A.
All School failures are admitted to First Year Degree course
Mumbai university  Annamalai University  Madurai kamaraj University  Madras University  Alagappa University
M.Sc/M.A Maths
One/Two sitting and  Lateral entry   for discontinued students

Mumbai university  Annamalai University  Madurai kamaraj University  Madras University  Alagappa University
For the following Courses refer different Sections  other folders
M.Sc Psychology,  M.Sc Chemistry, M.Sc Physics,  M.Sc Botany,  M.Sc Zoology, M.Sc Electronic science,M.Sc IT,  M.Sc Geo-Informatics,  M.Sc Geography,   M.Sc Hotel Management, M.Sc Tourism Management
B.Sc Maths  Tamil Nadu Open University
B.Sc Maths  Madras University

B.Sc Maths  Annamalai University
BSc Maths Madurai  Kamaraj University
B.Sc  Mathematics Periar University

one/two sitting
BSc Maths
Lateral Entry
B.Sc One Year Course
Double Degree Programme

M.Sc/M.A Maths
Mumbai university 

Annamalai University

Madurai kamaraj University
Madras University
Alagappa University


one sitting for discontinued students
Annamalai University


B.Sc Maths  Tamil Nadu Open University
                                                                   No formal educational qualification is required for joining this course

B.Sc Maths

Tamil Nadu Open University
No formal educational qualification is required for joining .B.A/B.Com/B.Sc/B.B.A/B.C A.All School failures are admitted to First Year Degree course .A Candidates who have completed 18 years on 1 st July of the academic year are eligible for provisional admission for these courses. The provisional admission will be confirmed after a simple preparatory test 
First Year
Language Courses
(1) All 1st year BA / B.Com. / BBA / B.Sc./BTS students must take a 6-credit English Language Course
and any one of the following 6-credit Language Courses:
1 Tamil or  2 Telugu or  3 Malayalam or 4 Kannada or  5 Hindi or 6 Urdu or  7 French
2 English (Language)
Second Year
1) All 2nd year BA/B.Sc. students must take a 6-credit English Language Course     and any one of the following 6-credit Language Courses:
2) Tamil or 2 Telugu or 3 Malayalam or 4 Kannada or  5 Hindi or 6 Urdu or 7 French
(3) All 2nd year students of Bachelor’s Degree programme must take a 6-credit Elective & Allied Courses -Environmental Studies Course  - B.A / B.Com/ BTS/BBA/B.Lit/B.Sc/BCA
First Year
1 Calculus and Classical Algebra
2 Trignometry, Analytical Geometry (3d) and Vector Calculus
3 Differential Equation
Second Year
2) Hindior 2 Telugu or 3 Malayalam or 4 Kannada or  5  Tamil  or 6 Urdu or 7 French
2 English (Language)
3 Modern Algebra     4 Statistics
5 Mechanics             6 Environmental Studies
Final  year
1 Real and Complex Analysis           2 inear Algebra and Number System
3 Linear Programming and Operations Research
4 Programming in C and C++
5 Graph Theory
B.SC Maths with
Computer Application

Tamil Nadu Open University
First Year
1 Hindi or Urdu or  French  or Tamil or  Telugu or Malayalam or Kannada
02 English
03 Elements of Calculus
04 Trignometry ,Analytical Geometry (3d) and Vector Calculus 05 Computer fundamentals and PC Software 
06 Lab-I  Computer fundamentals and PC Software
Second Year
7 Hindi or or  Urdu or  French Telugu or  Malayalam or  Kannada or    Tamil  
08 English
09 Groups and rings
10 classical Algebra and Numerical Methods 
11 Programming in C and C ++
12  Lab-2 C and C ++ 
13  Environmental Studies
Third Year
14 real and Complex Analysis 
15 lenear Algebra and Boolean algebra 
16 lenear Programming and operation research 
17 Graph theory
18 Intoduction to Internet Programming (Java )
19 Lab -3 inter programming (Java)

                                                B.Sc Maths  Madras University
B.Sc Maths  
Madras University

Eligibility : HSC
Students who may have completed one year of study in other Universities are admitted to the second year B.A. / B.Com. / B.Sc. / BIB'S and
students who may have completed two years of study in other Universities are admitted in the Final Year B.A./B.Com./ B.Sc./B.B.A. It is not necess­ary to pass F.Y. or S.Y. to join for One/Two sitting course.
Foundation Courses
First Year B.Sc
Part - I - Language - Paper - I Hindi or Malayalam or Tamil or Telugu or Urdu or Kannada or French or Arabic or Sanskrit or Communicative English
Part - II - English - Paper - I
Main Subjects
Paper - I : Algebra and Trigonometry
Paper - II : Calculus, Coordinate Geometry of two dimension and Differential Geometry.
Core Course - Allied Subject - I Financial Accounting
Second Year 
 Foundation Courses
 Part - I - Language - Paper - II  Hindi or Malayalam or Tamil or Telugu or Urdu or Kannada
Part - II - English - Paper - II
 Main Subjects
Paper -III :      Differential Equation, Laplace Transforms,Vector Calculus, Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms.
Paper -IV :     Coordinate Geometry of three dimensions,Probability and Status.
Core Course -Allied Subject - II Cost and Management Accounting
Year  Main Subjects
 Paper -V :    Algebraic Structures
Paper -VI :    Real Analysis
Paper -VII :  Dynamics and Complex Analysis
Paper -VIII : Part I - Graph Theory and
Part II - Programming in C (Theory & Practicals)
Application Oriented Subject Operations Research

                                 B.Sc Maths  Annamalai University
B.Sc Mathematics
Annamalai University
Eligibility : HSC
Students who may have completed one year of study in other Universities are admitted to the second year B.A. / B.Com. / B.Sc. / B.B.A and
}students who may have completed two years of study in other Universities are admitted in the Final Year B.A./B.Com./ B.Sc./B.B.A. It is not necess­ary to pass F.Y. or S.Y. to join for One/Two sitting course.
Duration :
3 years

First Year :
1 .Analysis I
2. Computer Science-l
3. Accountancy-l(Ancillary)
Second Year :
4. Analysis -II
5. Algebra & Solid Geometry
6. Computer Science-ll (Ancil­lary)
7. Accountancy-l I (Ancillary)
Final Year : 
 8.  Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra
 9.   Numerical Methods and Trigonometry
11. Operations Research
12. Mechanics k
13. Mathematical Statistics
B.Sc (Mathematics with Computer Applicaions)
Annamalai University
Eligibility  Same as for   B.Sc Maths  see above
Duration: Three year 
   Tamil / Hindi / French  PART - II : ENGLISH   Prose and Composition  
PART - III   Analysis - I  Algebra and Trigonometry  Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra and Solid Geometry  
PART - IV  Computer Concepts and Office Automation Tools (Theory and Practical)

PART - I : LANGUAGE   Tamil / Hindi / French  PART - II : ENGLISH   Communication Skills and Technical Writing  PART - III  Analysis - II  Operations Research 
Web Designing and its Applications (Theory and Practical)
OOPS and C++ (Theory and Practical)
Mathematical Statistics  
 Data Structures and Algorithms (Theory and Practical) 
 Java Programming (Theory and Practical)


             BSc Maths Madurai  Kamaraj University

Madurai Kamraj University
B.A/B.Com./B.Sc Maths./B.B.A./B.C.A
Eligibility :
Duration : 3 Years
Eligibility : HSC
Duration : 3 Years
First Year : B.A. / B.Sc.
Paper 1 and 2
Any one of the languages; Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, French, Sanskrit, Arabic, Urdu. English P 1 & 2
Second Year :
B.A. / B.Sc.Paper 1 and 2
Any one of the languages;Hindi,Malayalam, Telugu,Kannada, French, Sanskrit, Arabic, Urdu.
English P 1 & 2
First Year
1. Calculus and Classical Algebra
2.Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry of  Three Dimensions and Vector Calculus
Second Year
3. Modern Algebra and Differential Equations
4. Statistics
5. Mechanics
6. General Knowledge
Final Year
7 Real  and Complex Analysis
8 Linear Algebra and Number System
10.Linear Programming and Operation Research
11 Programming in C and C++
12.Theory of Equations and Numerical Analysis
13.Graph Theory
14 Data Base Management system

                                          B.Sc  Mathematics Periar University

B.Sc  Mathematics
Periar University
Eligibility:-  +2 Pass with Mathematics/ Physics/ Chemistry / Biology/ Biotechnology/Computer Science/ or its equivalent
Duration:- 3 Years
First Year
First Year - Foundation
1 Tamil-1 or Telugu – I or Kannada – I or Urdu – I or Hindi – I or Arabic – I or Malayalam – I or French –I or Sanskrit – I
2 English -
3 Algebra, Trignometry and Differential Calculus
4 Integral Calculus, Differential Equations and Laplace Transfoms
5 Allied – I Mathematical Statistics
Second Year
1 Tamil – II or Telugu – II or Kannada –II or Urdu – II or Hindi – II or Arabic – II or Malayalam – II or French –II or Sanskrit – II
2 English - II 1

3 Vector Calculus, Fourier Transforms and Financial Mathematics
4 Mechanics
5 Allied – II – Financial Accounting
Third Year  BSc Details will be added later


one/two sitting for discontinued student
Golden Opportunity
One/Two sitting still continues for discontinued students of B.A./ B.Com./ B.Sc. Maths / B.B.A in Annamalai and Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Students who may have completed one year of study (pass or fail) are admitted to second year B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. Maths /B.B.A. and students who may have completed 2 years (pass or fail) of study in other Universities are admitted in the Final (T.Y.) year B.A. /B.Com./B.Sc. Maths /B.B.A. course.
Please note that in Annamalai University exemption will be given only for duration and not for subjects / papers already passed.


B.Sc Maths
       Regular Stream
Lateral Entry Under Graduate Programme
Annamalai University
Direct Admission to Second Year/Final Year BScMaths

                                                                       Direct Admission to SY/Final BSc Maths              
Lateral Entry Under Graduate Programme- Direct Admission to SY/Final BSc Maths
For details Of study programme refer the heading B.Sc Mathematics
B.Sc. Mathematics - II year
Annamalai University
B.Sc. Mathematics Lateral Entry Scheme
Duration: Two Years
Eligibility: A pass in Pre-University/Higher Secondary Examination/Second Year Foundation Programme or an equivalent examination with Mathematics
as one of the subjects
The candidates seeking admission to the II year should have successfully completed the 1st year of the study from any recognized university in the same
discipline with at least 75% of syllabi common to this University.
Second Year



B.Sc. Mathematics - III year
B.Sc. Mathematics Lateral Entry Scheme
Duration: One Year
Eligibility: A pass in Pre-University/Higher Secondary Examination/Second Year Foundation Programme or an equivalent examination with Mathematics
as one of the subjects
The candidates seeking admission to the III year should have successfully completed the 1st and 2nd year of the study from any recognized university in the
same discipline with at least 75% of syllabi common to this University. The candidate should enclose their original marks list, Transfer certificate and an
attested Xerox copy of the syllabus which he has studied along with the application.


One Year Course

DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAMME  [Graduate to acquire additional  Degree
Annamalai University
             One Year Double Degree Programme-- B.Sc Annamalai University
One Year Double Degree Programme-- B.Sc Annamalai University

For B.Sc Mathematics Candidates
can opt any one of the following Programme

B.Sc. Statistics
Annamalai University
Eligibility: B.Sc. Mathematics
1   Descriptive Statistic
2  Distribution Theory
3   Statistical Inference  
4  Statistical Quality Control
5   Sampling Theory


B.Sc. Operations Research
Annamalai University
Eligibility: B.Sc. Mathematics 
 1  Statistical Methods
 2 Statistical Quality Control
 3  Integer Goal Programming and Network models
 4   Decision Theory, Replacement Model and Queues
 5  Non-Linear Programming of Simulation

B.Sc. Computer Science
Annamalai University
Eligibility: B.Sc. Mathematics 
1   Data structure and Algorithm
2   Internet and Java Programming 
3   Computer Graphics
4   Computer Networks
5   Programming Lab - I (Data Structures)
6   Programming Lab - II (Graphics) 
7   Project work & Viva-voce


B.Sc. Information Technology
Annamalai University
Eligibility: B.Sc. Mathematics 
  1 Web Development Tools
  2 Internet and Java Programming
  3 Relational Data Base Management System
  4 Computer Networks
  5 Programming Lab - I
  6(Web Designing Lab)
  7 Programming Lab - II (Java Programming Lab) 
  8 Project work & Viva-voce

B.Sc. Visual Communication
Annamalai University
Eligibility: B.Sc. Mathematics 
  1  Effective writing
  2  Photography and Video Editing
  3  Desktop Publishing
  4  Computers in Media Design and Layout
  5   Programming Lab - I

  6   Programming Lab - II
  7   Project work & Viva-voce 


Master of Science             M.Sc Maths                           

M.Sc/M.A Maths

One/Two sitting and  Lateral entry   for discontinued students
Mumbai university  Annamalai University  Madurai kamaraj University  Madras University  Alagappa University
For the following Courses refer different Sections  other folders
M.Sc Psychology,  M.Sc Chemistry, M.Sc Physics,  M.Sc Botany,  M.Sc Zoology, M.Sc Electronic science,        
M.Sc IT,  M.Sc Geo-Informatics,  M.Sc Geography,   M.Sc Hotel Management, M.Sc Tourism Management     


                                                      M.Sc/M.A Maths
Mumbai university 
Annamalai University
              Madurai kamaraj University
Madras University Alagappa University


M.Sc/M.A Mathematicss
Mumbai university
Duration 2 years
Eligibility : B.A./B.Sc. Degree with at least two Papers in Mathematics
First Year
1 Linear Algebra
2.Real Analysis
4.Complex Analysis
5.Combination Techniques
Final Year
1 Algebra - II
2.Differential Equations
3.Multivariafjle Analysis of Differential Geometry
4.Numerical Analysis
5.Functional Analysis

Madras University
Eligibility : B.Sc. in Maths/ Statistics/Applied Science
Duration : Two Years
First Year
01 Algebra
02 Real Analysis
03 Differential Equations
04 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
05 Elective – I Programming with C++ and Numerical Methods
Second Year
06 Complex Analysis
07 Mechanics
08 Topology and Functional Analysis
09 Differential Geometry and Tensor Analysis
10 Elective - II Java Programming
M.Sc Mathematics  
One/Two Sitting

Annamalai University
Eligibility-students who may have discontinued their studies( pass or fail! ) after First year MSc Maths
Eligibility : B.Sc with Maths ' B.Sc. Statistics with Maths as ancillary
Duration : Two Years
First Year
1 Algebra
2.Real Analysis
3.Differential Geometry, Tensor Analysis & Partial, Differential Equation
4.Analytical Mechanics, Mech­anics & Theory of Relativity
Final Year
5.Complex Analysis
6.Set Topology and Functi­onal Analysis
7.Graph Theory
8.Mathematical StatisticsHome
Lateral Entry Scheme

M.Sc. Mathematics
Annamalai University

Duration: One year
Eligibility: B.Sc. Mathematics/ B.Sc. Statistics with Mathematics as one of the ancillary subjects.
Final Year
The candidates seeking admission to the II year should have successfully completed the 1st year of the study from any recognized university in the same discipline with at least 75% of syllabi common to this University. The candidate should enclose along with the application an attested Xerox copy of the syllabus, marks list and Transfer Certificate which he has studied.
1 Complex Analysis
2 Set Topology and Functional Analysis
3 graph Theory
4 Mathematical Statistic
M.Sc Mathematics
Madurai kamaraj University
Eligibility : B.Sc. Maths Duration : 2 Years
First Year
1 Algebra - I  2.Analysis - I   
3.Analysis - II    4.Mechanics
Final Year
7.Paper - VII opt projective & Differential Geometry
8.Numerical Analysis and Operation Research

M.Sc. (Mathematics)
Alagappa University
Duration: Two Years
Eligibility: B.Sc. Maths/Statistics/Applied Maths (10+2+3 System)
First Year
1 Algebra    2 Real Analysis
3 Differential Equations and Numerical Methods
4 Operations Research    5 Mathematical Statistics
Final Year
1 Complex Analysis
2 Topology and Functional Analysis
3 Graph Theory     4 C++ Programming
5 Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
M.Sc. Mathematics
Periar University
Eligibility:- B.Sc. with relevant subject or its equivalent
Duration:- 2 Years

First Year
1 Algebra        2 Analysis
3 Differential Equations    4 General Topology
5 Optional : Mechanics or
5 Optional : Fluid Dynamics
Final Year
1 Complex Analysis
2 Mathematical Statistics
3 Functional Analysis
4 Optional : Differential Geometry or Optional Difference Equation
5 Optional : Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory or Optional : Numerical Methods
ONE Sitting /Final
one sitting for discontinued students
Annamalai University
Golden Opportunity

One/Two sitting still continues for discontinued students of M.Sc in Annamalai University
Students who may have completed one year of study (pass or fail) are admitted to Final Year
M.Sc. Maths and will be allowed to complete the course in one year
Please note that in Annamalai University exemption will be given only for duration and not for subjects /
papers already passed. Students will have to appear for all the papers of First Year , and Final Year_


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