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loma courses
Technology/Marine Biology/Electronics

Annamalai University
Concrete technology And design of concrete Structure
Chemical Process, Instrumentation and control

Design of foundation systems
Energy Engineering

Energy Management Technology
Electronics & Instrumentation

Production Management
Plumbing Water Supplyand Sanitary installations
Quantity Surveying & Valuation
Quality Management
Quality control & analysis of Industrial chemicals
Industrial Hygiene
Industrial safety
Industrial Pollution and control
Industrial Bio-Technology
Power Plant Instrumentation & Control
Mining Engineering
Mineral Exploration and Mining
Ground Water Exploration
and Management

Marine Microbial Technology

Alagappa University

 Electroplating (PGDEP)
Instrumental Methods of Analysis (PGDIMA)

Diploma Courses
Engineering/ Technology/Marine biology/
Exploration/Industrial Safety/  and Other Related diploma courses

Annamalai University
Eligibility:B.E/M.Sc Maths/or Statistics  M.A Eco/MBA/M.Com/Diploma holders in Engg./AMY

1. Principles of Industrial Management
2. Operation & Production Management
3. Management of Quality and Reliability
4. Quantitative Methods of Management


Annamalai University
Eligibility: Diploma in civil engineering /B.E civil/structural engg./A.M.I.E/
1. Concrete Technology
2. Structural-Concrete-1
3 structural concrete-2 
4 Pre-stressed Concrete


Annamalai University

Eligibility :1. B.Sc. with chemistry or 2. Diploma in Engg./B.Pharm.
Subject :
1. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering
2. Chemical Process Instrume­ntation
3. Chemical Process Control 

Annamalai University

EligibilityLB.Sc. 2. Diploma in Engg/ M.B.B.S./B.Pharm./B.Sc. (Nursing)..
Subject :
1. Environmental Chemistry
2. Industrial Pollution and Control Engg
3. Environmental Pollution, Control Regulation and Method
4 Practical     

Industrial Bio-Technology
Annamalai University
Eligibility: (a) B.Sc. Degree holders/ B.Sc. Agriculture/
 B.V.Sc. (b) Degree/Diploma holders in Chemical /Civil /
Polymer Engg./
Pharmacy/Biotechnology/Marine Biology.
1 Industrial Microbiology
2 Industrial Fermentations
3 Bioprocess Technology
4 Bioprocess Laboratory  

Annamalai University
Eligibility :. B.Sc. 2. M.B.B.S./B.E./B.Tech. 3. B.Pharm./B.Sc./ (Agri.) 4. Diploma in Engg./Nursing 5. M.B.A.
Subject :
1. Hazards in Work Places
2. Health at Work and Risk Analysis
3. Industry, Individual and Society
4. Management of Occupat­ional Hygiene, Health and Safety




Annamalai University
Eligibility :
A graduate or P.G. in Geology/Civil Engineering/Structural Engineering/Agriculture
Subject :
1. Occurrence of Ground water and Water wells
2. Ground water Prospecting
3. Quality of Ground water & Ground water Management
4. Practical


P.G. Diploma in Power Plant Instrumentation & Control
Annamalai University
Eligibility : B.E. Degree in any discipline of Engineering of Four Years Duration or equivalent, AMIE (Section - A & B)
1 Power Plant Equipment  
   2 Measurement & Instrumentation
3 power Plant Control Systems
   4 Instrumentation and Controls Laboratory

P.G. Diploma in Quantity Surveying & Valuation

Annamalai University

Eligibility : : (a) B.E. Degree in Civil Engineering, (b) B.E. Degree in Civil and Structural Engineering
   1 Quantity Surveying  
   2 Quantity Surveying - II
   3 Valuation of Properties
   4 Valuation of Buildings and Machineries


 P.G. Diploma in Electronics & Instrumentation
Annamalai University
Eligibility : Pass in B.Sc. Physics, B.Sc.Applied Physics, B.Sc Electronic Science,B.Sc.Computer Science or any other Degree with  Electronics   Background
   1 Advanced Electronic Devices and Systems ;
   2 Electronic & Digital Instrumentation 
   3 Analytical, Biomedical & Environmental Instrumentation

  P.G. Diploma in Mineral Exploration and Mining
Annamalai University

Eligibility: : (a) A graduate or P.G. in Geology/Applied Geology/Civil Engineering/Structural Engineering/ Mining Engineering.
(b) A graduate or P.G. in Chemical Engineering (with Geology or Ore dressing as one of the subject)
  1)Geology of Minerals and Ores
  2) Industrial Minerals and Metal ferrous Ores
  3)Minerals and Hydrocarbon Exploration 
  4) Mineral Economics and Mining Methods

PG. Diploma in Ground Water Exploration and Management
Annamalai University
Eligibility: : (a) A graduate or P.G. in Geology/Applied Geology/Civil Engineering/Structural Engineering/Agriculture
 1) Occurrence of Ground Water and Water Wells
 2)Ground Water   Prospecting
 3)Quality of Ground Water and Ground Water Management 
 4) Practical
P.G. Diploma in Marine Microbial Technology

Annamalai University

Eligibility: A Degree in Marine Biology/
Aquaculture/ Zoo­logy/ Botany/ Life Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Fishery Science
1. Marine Environment
2. Marine Microbiology.
3  Microbial Technology
4. Practical 


PG Diploma in Bio-Technology (One Year)
Periar University
Eligibility:-B.Sc.Agriculture / Biochemistry / Physics / Chemistry / Microbiology/ Zoology / BioTechnology/Bioinformatics /Biology or it’s Equivalents
Duration:-One Year
1 Plant and Animal Biotechnology
2 Engineering and Environmental Biotechnology
3 Industrial and Enzyme Biotechnology
3 Lab in Plants, Animal and Engineering Biotechnology
4 Lab in Industrial and Enzyme Biotechnology
5 Project Work
PG Diploma in Tele Communication (One Year)
Periar University
Duration:-One Year
Any Degree
01 Communication System
02 Basics of Tele Communication
03 Data Communication
04 Fibre Optics and Satellite Communication
05 Advanced Networks
06 Mobile Communication
07 Advanced Communication Engineering
08 Practical –I Analog and Basic Communication Lab – I
09 Practical – II Communication Lab – II
10 Project : Viva - voce
PG Diploma in Electroplating (PGDEP)
Alagappa University
Duration : One Year
Eligibility : B.Sc degree with Chemistry as one of the subject at the major/
ancillary level or B.E. or B.Tech or equivalent program as approved
by University.
To promote knowledge and skills of the students in the field of electroplating
To train manpower in the electroplating techniques
Out Come:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
Learn about the theory and the fundamental of metal electroplating, electroless and electroforming.
Design of Electroplating cell
Control the variables of Electroplating Process
Be acquainted with gold, silver, zinc, tin, nickel, copper plating technologies
Apply electroplating for different alloys for various applications.
Test the properties of deposited layer such as aesthetic appearance, thickness, adhesion, porosity, hardness, corrosion, solderability etc.

1 Fundamental Principles of Electroplating
2 Eletro plating of Metals, alloys and composites
3 Testing and evaluation of bath and deposit

4 Practical
All the candidate are required to attend practical class at Directorate of Distance Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.

Personal Contact Programme:
The Personal Contact Programme shall be conducted for the duration of 60 hours including practical in 10 days (4 days theory and 6 days practical) in a year
PG Diploma in Instrumental Methods of Analysis (PGDIMA)
Alagappa University
Duration : One Year
Eligibility : B.Sc degree with Chemistry as one of the subject at the major/
ancillary level or B.E. or B.Tech or equivalent program as approved by University.
The Course aims at covering both theoretical knowledge in analytical chemistry and pratical laboratory skills in analytical techniques
such chromatography, Spectroscopy, Thermal, Electroanalytical techniques, etc., and their applications.
1 Fundamentals of Analysis
2 Instrumental methods –I
3 Instrumental methods –II
4 Practical
All the candidate are required to attend practical class at Directorate of Distance Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
Personal Contact Programme:
The Personal Contact Programme shall be conducted for the duration of 60 hours including practical in 10 days (5 days theory and 5 days practical) in a year
St.Paul's College  of Distance  education

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