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Diploma Courses-
Pharmacy /
Hospital/Health Programme

Annamalai University
Promoting Rational Drug Use
Pharmacy Practice and Drug Store Management
Population And Health management
Hospital Management
Sociology of Health
Herbal Science
MS University

Yoga for Human Excellence
Hospital Management
Alagappa University

Hospital Management

Tamil Nadu Open University

Health Assistant
Alagappa university
Medical Transcription
Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University,
Physiotherapy and  Nutrition
Pondicherry University
Pharmaceutical marketing

Health Science Programme and
Diploma Courses

Diploma Courses- Pharmacy /
Hospital/Health Programme

Annamalai University
Promoting Rational Drug Use
Pharmacy Practice and Drug Store Management
Population And Health management
Hospital Management
Sociology of Health
Herbal Science
MS University

Yoga for Human Excellence
Hospital Management

Alagappa University
Hospital Management

Tamil Nadu Open University
Health Assistant
Alagappa university

Medical Transcription
Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University
Physiotherapy and  Nutrition
Pondicherry University
Pharmaceutical marketing


Pharmacy /Hospital/Health/Yoga/
Medical transcription/Herbal Science/
Physiotheraphy and Nutrition  Radio Imaging Technology Refraction Optometry Technology
Refraction Optometry Technology

Duration: One year
P.G Diploma in Promoting Rational Drug Use
Annamalai University
Eligibility: : Bachelor Degree in Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy preference will be given to working persons
Subjects :

1)Rational Pharmaceutical Management
  2) Drugs Use Problems
  3) Rational Drugs Use
  4)Intervention Strategy
P. G Diploma in Pharmacy Practice and Drug Store Management
Annamalai University
Eligibility: Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy preference will be given to working persons
 Subjects :
1) Drug Store Management
2) Human Resource and Financial Management
3)Hospital Pharmacy Management
4) Pharmaceutical Practice 


Pondicherry University
Eligibility: Any Degree
1. Marketing Strategy Manag­ement
2. Anatomy, Physiology and pharmacology
3. Pharma distribution Manag­ement
4. Pharma selling & sales Management
5. Pharma Product Mana­gement
6. Paradigms in Pharmaceu­tical Industry
7. Project work


Annamalai University 
Eligibility :
(a) Any Graduate OR (b) Non-graduates-in service like Medical Pers­onnel. Paramedical and other Health Personnel, School Teachers, Personnel in
Population related research Instit­utions, Voluntary Agencies etc.
Subject :

1. Population Dynamics
2. Population Problems
3. Health Policy and Programme
4. Health Management
Annamalai University 
Eligibility Any graduate
Subject :

1. Principles of Management
2. Hospital Management
3. Human Resource Mana­gement
4. Inventory Management and Book Keeping

iploma in Sociology of Health
Annamalai university
Eligibility: Any Degree holder including Professional degree holders in Medicine, Engineering, Law or Agriculture of any recognized


1 General Sociology
2 Research Methods and Statistics
3 Sociology of Health
4 Medical Social Welfare
P.G. Diploma in Herbal Science
Annamalai university
Eligibility: Pass in B.Sc. Botany degreee examination with Herbal Science/Botany /Pharmacy /Chemistry / Agriculture /
Bio-chemistry as one of the subject
1 Botany of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
2 Taxonomy and Secondary Products
3 Production Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops
4 Practical


Alagappa university
Eligibility:Graduates of any faculty
Subjects :
1. Information Technology and Office Automation.
2  Medical Transcription Paper-l
3. Medical Transcription Lab
4. Office Automation Lab
5. Internet Technology
6  Medical Transcription Paper-ll
7. Professional practice

Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal
Objectives The main objective of this programme is to develop a knowledge base in the key areas of Physiotherapy and Nutrition. It would
offer job opportunities to the students both as a Physiotherapist and as a Clinical Nutritionist
 Duration one year
Eligibility Graduation
1 Human Physiology
2 Introduction to Nutrition
3 Clinical Physiotherapy
4 Food Science
5 Project Work
There would be two contact sessions of 15 days each. At the end of the term 4 theory exams and one practical exam has to be cleared by the candidates
Courseware delivery system
Self Instructional Study Material /Print material from university
The experts of different universities/institutions prepare the course material, from all over the country as well as by our faculty members.

These materials are previewed and reviewed by the faculty as well as outside experts and edited or modified, whenever necessary,

before they are finally dispatched to the students
There will be two face-to-face contact programme of generally 15 days duration, at regional/study centers of the university and at

recognized study centers. Attendance of 75% in each programme is compulsory. Prior information for the contact programme will be

given to the students, facilitating them to attend the programme. The schedule decided for contact programme by the university shall be

notified to the students well in advance through the study centre /regional centre
Every fourth Sunday between (4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.) Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University has a phone-in (interactive radio counseling) programme on AIR.
University will organize the examination in two parts:
Practical & Assignments (As per the scheme of examination)
During the period of contact programme, assignments will be given to the students for continuous self-study
The candidate shall submit the assignments in the intervening months
These assignments will serve as feedback and will be counted towards the internal assessment in each paper
Assignments may be submitted at their regional centers/study centers with in schedule
Diploma in Health Assistant (DHA)
Tamil Nadu Open university
The Diploma in Health Assistant is a person who has been prepared as a member of the nursing team to assist the hospital administration and health care. The Diploma Programme has been designed to develop of the learner to meet the health needs of individuals and families by providing comprehensive health care. After completion of the Programme, the student health worker should demonstrate ability to plan and carry out job responsibilities assigned to them. The students can get employed in Public and Private Hospitals and can become Health Workers also. This is a 32 credit programme comprising following four courses.
Eligibility 10th Pass minimum age 16 years
1 Fundamentals of Nursing
2 Maternal and Child Health
3 Community Health Nursing
4 Basic Sciences
Students enrolled for Health Assistant Programmes has to attend 90 percent of compulsory Practical session for each Course. The details of Counselling
and Practical sessions
1 Fundamentals of Nursing
2 Maternal and Child Health
3 Community Health Nursing
Basic Sciences

P.G. Diploma in Hospital Management
MS University

Principles of Management
Hospital Planning & Administration
Supportive Service Management
Personal Management
Financial Management
Marketing and Public Relations


Diploma inYoga & Naturopathy

MS University

Fundamentals of Yoga Techniques
Applied Anatomy & Physiology
Basic Concepts of Naturopathy


Diploma in Yoga for Human Excellence

MS University
Physical Health
Art of Nurturing the Life Force and Mind
Sublimation and Social welfare
Science of Divinity and Realization of Self


Certificate in Radio Imaging Technology (One Year)
Periar University
Xth pass
One Year
1 Biomaterials
2 Biomedical instrumentation
3 Biomedical instrumentation – II
4 Practical – I


Diploma in Hospital Management
(One Year)
Periar University
HSC pass
One Year
1 Principles of Hospital Management
2 Hospital Office Management
3 Support Services Management
4 Marketing of Hospital Services
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
Periar University
Eligibility HSC pass
Two Years
First Year
1 Basic Biochemistry & Physiology 2
2 Hematology and Clininc Pathology
3 Immunology & Serology
4 Practical – I
Final Year
1 Clinical Pharmachology
2 Instrumentation and Techniques
3 Laboratory Management and Ethics
4 Project
5 Diploma in Ratio Imaging Technology – I Year
6 Biomaterials
7 Biomedical Instrumentation – I
8 Practical – I
Diploma in Refraction Optometry Technology  2 years course
Periar University
HSC pass
Two Years
First Year

1 Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye
2 Basic Pharmacology & Micro Biology & Clinic pathology
3 Priniciples of Refraction
4 Ophthalmic Instruments
Final Year
1 Clinical ophthamology
2 Practical Refraction
3 Community Ophtamology
4 Ophthalmic Nursing
Diploma in Ratio Imaging Technology – II Year
Periar University
HSC pass
Two Years
First Year

1 Biomedicals
2 Biomedical Instrumentation – I
3 Practical - I
Final Year
1 Biomedical Instrumentation – I
2 Radiation Physics
3 Practical - II
Diploma in Yoga
Periar University
HSC pass
Two Years
First Year

1 Principles of Siddha System
2 Panchabootha, Tridosha, Arusuvai, Sapta Dhatus, Six Aadharams, Dasavayus etc.
3 Social outlook, rational thoughts and aim of Siddhars
4 Identification of 32 imporatant herbs
5 A Study of their medicinal values
6 Phytochemistry
7 Demonstarion of Yogic Practices
 Final Year
1 Principles of Yoga Ashtangayoga
2 Tirumular,patanjali Yoga sutras
3 Suryanamaskar, Pavanamukthasana
4 PRANAYAMA, Mudra, Bandha and Kriya
5 Therapeutic applications of Yoga
6 Study of Simple home remedies of medicinal
7 Sathva, rajo and Tamoguna diets
8 Identification of Medicinal Plants
PG Diploma in Hospital Administration (PGDHA)
Alagappa University
Duration : One Year
Eligibility : Any Degree (10+2+3 system)
1 Principles of Hospital Management
2 Hospital Office Management
3 Health Policy and Health Care System
4 Hospital Support Services
5 Human Resource Management in Hospitals
St.Paul's College  of Distance  education

Letter to prospective students

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